bitfocus / companion-module-canon-ptz

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Selected Preset Feedback #3

Closed davidjoshuaford closed 2 years ago

davidjoshuaford commented 2 years ago

Great work on the PTZ module already - love the thoroughness of the variables and feedback states.

Is it possible to include feedback for the recalled preset? Ie, if you have a bank of 10 presets, you’d be able to see at a glance camera X is sitting on Y position. This would help when operating multiple cameras.

Thanks for your work!

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

I only have access to this camera for a few more days (Canon sent it to me for development) but it does look like the property p:=1 is in the info when on preset 1, for example. However, if you move the camera manually after recalling a preset, that doesn't change. So, we could track it like "last preset used", but can't necessarily guarantee that it would still be in that position.

Your thoughts about that?

davidjoshuaford commented 2 years ago

I think that would still be valuable. I've had camera assistants chasing 3 or 4 cameras and it would give them a visual cue when they flick back over to a camera to see at a glance at what position they are in (assuming they're not making further manual adjustments after recalling as you mention). I'm guessing there's no way to cancel out the feedback if any manual adjustment is made? Would that have to happen on the Canon side of things?

Also - I notice you have Preview Tally feedback in there – does the N300 have a green tally lamp? I've only been able to find the red one in the native IP interface. Do you have future use case for Preview Tally, or is that an N500 thing?

davidjoshuaford commented 2 years ago

One more thing (sorry for the jump around, just while it's top of mind!) – is it possible to add a Toggle power ON/OFF? I can think of instances where a single push to toggle would help reduce number of button real estate rather than having separate buttons for ON and OFF, and would avoid having to use the latch function. On that note, I don't seem to be getting feedback for the Standby vs Idle?

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

I've been using the 300, and it has a green lamp in addition to the red. I assume the 500 had it also. They asked me to implement Preview tally, so I did.

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

The problem with canceling out the feedback is that the module can poll the camera on an interval for the latest data (and it really should, for the best use of the module), and any time it polls, it will receive that (potentially incorrect) value again. So canceling it out would not be effective except between update cycles.

davidjoshuaford commented 2 years ago

Ok, you'll know much better than me... Is it possible to implement the last Preset feedback scenario?

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

Yes, I've already coded it, testing it here in a few minutes.

Also coded the power toggle.

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

And I did find a bug related to the power state feedback, so I think that will work on the next version I push.

davidjoshuaford commented 2 years ago

Amazing! will check that out.

Is there a way to automate the green preview tally into the module instance settings? I can see how to do that using Triggers, but takes a bit of back and forth if changing inputs (ie the module turns on the tally when switching to program, but doesn't alternate red/green when cutting between program/preview). Perhaps a Toggle between Program and Preview would help here, as having only the four ON PGM/ OFF PGM/ ON PVW/ OFF PVW forces the tally to be on or off. Ideally the tally in the module's instance would account for when a camera is utilized in a Key or Supersource...though I appreciate that this becomes a much bigger matrix!

davidjoshuaford commented 2 years ago

Any chance of implementing a "White Balance Calibration" command (ie to lock a custom WB while in the A or B modes?)

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

I think that tally logic depends on the other modules or programs determining the tally. But I can add a toggle between pvw and pgm lights on the camera. I can't see the front of the camera right now, it's offsite. So we will have to do some testing here to see if sending the preview tally on command automatically turns off the red, or if we also have to send a red off first.

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

pvw/pgm tally toggle added. will need your help testing.

white balance calibration with dropdown of a, b added.

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

It looks like if you have the camera in manual wb for example and run the wb calibrate on a for example, it will switch to A mode and then run that. just fyi.

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

Ok, I've added these to the repo. If you're running your own dev version, just clone this to the module-local-dev folder. Otherwise I'll add it to the beta builds later and ping you when that's done.

davidjoshuaford commented 2 years ago

Thanks Joseph, nice work on this!

josephdadams commented 2 years ago

@davidjoshuaford it's in the latest betas now too. Building now.