bitfocus / companion-module-generic-swp08

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Feedback of a certain crosspoint #17

Open CharlesSicard opened 1 year ago

CharlesSicard commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

For a particular use, I need to perform an action if a certain crosspoint is active in the matrix. I see feedback possible for a specified source when a destination is selected, so that's not far.

I'll have a look at the source code next week, see if I manage to do it myself, but if a dev that knows its way around this module, and feels like to investigate the matter, that would be awesome ! I'll share if I manage to do it obviously.

Thanks !

daniep01 commented 1 year ago

This is something that could be done, there's a slight complication in the fact that you need to allow the user to specify the which level(s) need to be compared and then do the feedback check on all these levels.

CharlesSicard commented 1 year ago

Hi daniep01,

I have been working on the matter, and indeed the level checking isn't as easy as it sounds. Never the less, right now I don't really need this, as I am only using one level. I have implemented a new feedback with this code :

    callback: (feedback) => {
                    // look for this dest in route table
                    for (var i = 0; i < self.routeTable.length; i++) {
                        if (self.routeTable[i].dest === feedback.options.dest) {
                            if (self.routeTable[i].source === feedback.options.source) {
                                return true
                    return false    

This works fine when I activate the feedback, but it doesn't trigger it when there is a change. Am I missing something ?

CharlesSicard commented 1 year ago


here is where I am. It's missing the check level part so far. I added a self.checkFeedbacks() at the end of the crosspoint_connected functions to check for feedbacks everytime a xpt is made.

daniep01 commented 1 year ago

Good work, thanks. Have you managed to test with the hardware and see it working?

CharlesSicard commented 1 year ago

Yes, tested with Lawo VSM and it works

NickMacLean commented 7 months ago

Hi, I'd love to use this feature and test for you. I would like to use with a Riedel MediorNet MicroN, looking for particular cross points, and when active use a trigger to send a TSL tally to a multiviewer.

Could I get the compiled module?

LtechVideohouse commented 5 months ago

look @ #20 I have trouble to get the choice of destination in the feedback button.