bitfocus / companion-module-homeassistant-server

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Restructured the variables to include actual state #11

Closed royvandongen closed 2 years ago

royvandongen commented 2 years ago

Removed the default variable for each entity, added 2 variables in its place. One containing the friendly name (as it previously was) and another variable as the actual state of the variable. (as mentioned in ).

Julusian commented 2 years ago

I am not keen on breaking backwards compatability unless we can get companion to update existing uses, which I have a feeling is not possible. I can deal with having to update the labels of 20 buttons, but other users will not be expecting it to break and so will likely result in issues for them.

Something else to think about is how are non string or numeric state values handled? It might want a little bit of handling to make the data be converted to a string in a reasonable fashion

royvandongen commented 2 years ago

Maintainer requested the old style variable to be left intact, new pull request upcoming