bitfocus / companion-module-homeassistant-server

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Module Errors, but still operational! #3

Open empyfree opened 3 years ago

empyfree commented 3 years ago

Just found and tried your module. It would be worth adding a little text to the readme to explain how to find an access token from Home Assistant.

The module is running, but constantly spitting the following error:

29. 11:07:38 instance(homeassistant-server): Connect failed: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL: ws168.0.6/api/websocket

As I say, it does seem to be operational, it's just filling the LOG with that error.

wde commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

I am getting the same error - it operates but does not show a connected status. Many thanks, Sean

Julusian commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I didnt have notifications turned on for this repo so missed the issues opened here. It is very strange that it is erroring yet still working..

What do you have as a url in the config? I think it might be requiring there to be of the form or

empyfree commented 3 years ago

Heh, slow responses all round...

I've just downloaded the latest build of Companion to make sure I'm not missing anything.

I now have the URL filled in as http://homeassistant.local:8123 ( also works).

The error is now listed as: 21.05.08 16:03:03 instance(homeassistant-server): Connect failed: ERR_CANNOT_CONNECT

As before, it's still working perfectly despite the errors in the log.

Postman67 commented 2 years ago

Been a long while, but i am also getting the same error not being able to connect to HA, and I'm not entirely sure what to do with the token

mitchando96 commented 2 years ago

@Postman67 Did you figure this out? I can't get Companion to connect to HA. I only get Connect failed: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL: ws/api/websocket

EDIT: Ok works, but Companion still says ERROR

Julusian commented 2 years ago

What does it say anything when you hover over where it says ERROR?

mitchando96 commented 2 years ago

After a restart it appears to be working without error. Thank you

chris-79 commented 1 year ago

Same as @empyfree… It's working (now that I removed the trailing /) but the log keeps saying there's connection errors

Error in the logs: 22.10.24 15:00:40 instance(HA): Connect failed: ERR_CANNOT_CONNECT

Hovering over "ERROR" on Connection Status: Disconnected with a WebSocket error with message: Unexpected server response: 404
