bitfocus / companion-module-homeassistant-server

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Read out temperature of a thermostat? #33

Open metawops opened 8 months ago

metawops commented 8 months ago

Maybe that's a dumb question ... but I wasn't able to readout the currently set temperature of one of my Lumi thermostats. In the Template Editor inside the dev tools in Home Assistant I can use this template expression to get that value: {{ state_attr('climate.lumi_lumi_airrtc_agl001_thermostat_daszimmer', 'temperature') }}

However, in Companion there doesn't seem to be an according variable. I can only find two variable for this entity: $(homeassistant:entity.climate.lumi_lumi_airrtc_agl001_thermostat_daszimmer.value) (which just reports the current mode of operation, i.e. "heat" or "off") and $(homeassistant:entity.climate.lumi_lumi_airrtc_agl001_thermostat_daszimmer) which just reports the full name of the entity. 🤷‍♂️

When I try $(homeassistant:entity.climate.lumi_lumi_airrtc_agl001_thermostat_daszimmer.temperature) I just get an "NA" so it's not available.

So, is this simply not possible (yet)? Then consider this a feature request ... 🙈 Or is it possible? Maybe with the new "Button text expression" mode? Haven't looked into expressions too deeply, yet.

Note that this is an attribute, not a state. Are attributes generally not (yet) possible to read? 😳

Any help/hint much appreciated. 🙏

daedalist commented 5 months ago

Came here to make this request. My hvac entity presents a number of attributes, in addition to its official state value image

Ideally, attributes of any entity should be supported, since this is common across Home Assistant