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CreateUser not working; pressing SYNC button doesn't trigger anything? #2

Open PhotoJoseph opened 3 years ago

PhotoJoseph commented 3 years ago

Following the instructions to set up a new user, from the companion configuration guide:

Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 3 01 13 PM

When I press the big button on top of the Hue bridge, nothing happens on the bridge. There's no change in light status; no pulse or flash or anything else. I rebooted the bridge to no avail. As far as I know, this only does something when a new device on the network is asking for a connection — which one would assume is what the Companion app is doing. But I just get this message:

Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 3 00 59 PM

And that "n-MwKluO8" does not appear to be the new username.

I've tried a variety of multiple-taps, long-taps, etc. and can't get a status change on the Hue bridge. Am I doing something wrong, or should this be working as I'm trying?

mattehalen commented 3 years ago

Three questions.

  1. Are the computer and the hue bridge on the same network?
  2. So you know witch generation of the hue bridge you have?
  3. Do you first press the button on the hue bridge and then run the script?

I could not create a new username if I pushed the button and waited more then 30s to push apply changes in companion but from 5s - 25s it creates a new user at my end tested today.

PhotoJoseph commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I didn't see that you'd responded.

  1. Yes, same network. I tried running the Hue GUI on both wired and wireless networks; same result.
  2. It's 2.0 — I just got it last fall, when I was forced to upgrade from the original hardware
  3. Yes; button, then script. And I was sure to do it between 5 and 25 seconds after pressing the button.

When pressing the Hue button, there's no change on the Hue itself. The light around the button doesn't flash or pulse or anything, which I would expect it to do. I know the Hue works; I can control it from the iOS app just fine. And I did reboot the Hue hub, just to be sure.

PhotoJoseph commented 3 years ago

I got somewhere… @thomascantrellsea Thomas Cantrell helped me with getting the username. But going to: http://<bridge_ip>/debug/clip.html and entering {"devicetype":"companion#my test"} in the Message Body, pressing the Hue button then clicking POST, I got a username!

Yes, I did relaunch Companion before continuing.

I can add button commands, but there's no scenes, lights, etc. showing up in them. They all display like this: image

Getting closer, but still no multi-hued banana in my life… 😉

mattehalen commented 3 years ago

My hue-bridge doesn't flash or indicate so that shouldn't be the problem.

Do you have more network interface to your computer?

Mac or pc?

When you did the user

http://<bridge_ip>/debug/clip.html and entering {"devicetype":"companion#my test"}

Did you do it from the computer or the phone?

I'll see if I can find an desktop app that you can try and see if it works from there.

I don't know how to troubleshoot this yet.

PhotoJoseph commented 3 years ago

Hey @mattehalen. Not sure what you mean by "Do you have more network interface to your computer?" — I have both wifi and wired, and I tried running Companion on both interfaces, with the same result.

I'm on a Mac.

I ran the command on the computer, not on a phone.

Something else — I just discovered that Stream Deck has its own Hue modules. However, that's not working either. Even though it successfully adds the Hue Bridge to my Stream Deck, the Stream Deck still shows that there isn't a Bridge connected. I've tried many times, and gotten nowhere. So if others are having no problem connecting their Bridge, maybe it's just me. I will have to try a full reset on the Bridge, but I don't have time to do that right now.

mattehalen commented 3 years ago

Hey @mattehalen. Not sure what you mean by "Do you have more network interface to your computer?" — I have both wifi and wired, and I tried running Companion on both interfaces, with the same result.

I'm on a Mac.

I ran the command on the computer, not on a phone.

Something else — I just discovered that Stream Deck has its own Hue modules. However, that's not working either. Even though it successfully adds the Hue Bridge to my Stream Deck, the Stream Deck still shows that there isn't a Bridge connected. I've tried many times, and gotten nowhere. So if others are having no problem connecting their Bridge, maybe it's just me. I will have to try a full reset on the Bridge, but I don't have time to do that right now.

This tells me that the problem is most likely outside of this companion module.

It lets see if we can find any solutions to the problem anyway.

Let's see your different ip addresses. Hue bridge Mobile WiFi on Mac Wired on Mac

If the hue bridge is on a ip of 192.168.0.x Your computer should be on the same up range. 192.168.0.x.

If it works on your phone check what ip that has.

If your Mac has but WiFi and wired connected at the same time your make still only use one of them and you can chose that in the network priority settings.

I don't think changing the IP address on the companion will change that for you. You can see that because the problem is also with the stream deck app. So if we get the stream deck app to work we should get my module to work.

Your wired up is probably not in the same range as your WiFi ip. Wired or something els.

Please tell me if you find anything that seams be to off with ip settings of what I've told you.

PhotoJoseph commented 3 years ago

ack! just got notification that this closed; I don't know why I missed the earlier message. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to be disrespectful of your time.

This whole connection this is definitely odd… but it's currently "magically" working, as of the StreamDeck 5.0 upgrade. So I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best at this point.

Thanks, and apologies again.

mattehalen commented 3 years ago

No worries. Your the only one giving feedback so don't know if this is just you or a bit issue. My first module and I don't have much experience in coding in general so there is a big possibility that there is a better why to do this module but if it works it works if not I'll take a look at it again and see if I can make the same thing happen at my end.

PhotoJoseph commented 3 years ago

Thanks mate.

thargy commented 3 years ago

Not working for me either, but I get the following error:

21.09.05 21:02:42 instance(philips-hue): Error updating instance configuration: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
21.09.05 21:02:42 instance(philips-hue): ----------> Don't forget to push the button on your Huw Bridge to make the CreateUser work !
21.09.05 21:02:42 instance(philips-hue): Leave Username field empty to create a new user!
21.09.05 21:02:42 instance(philips-hue): ----------> CreateUser is Checked
thargy commented 3 years ago

Also, the instructions for creating a new user above are not clear, in particular, they don't mention you should set the 'URL' to '/api/' and hit 'POST'. For full instructions, see the Getting Started instructions on Philips Hue's developer's portal. Adding the username manually worked for me, though the module could do with a little more functionality (like Feedback, etc.)

mattehalen commented 3 years ago

I will have to take a look at the code again and see if I can find the problem. I was working as is should at home but I'm experiencing the same problem as you when I'm at work so need to look into it.

jwildeboer commented 2 years ago

After months of zero problems, since 2 weeks the hue module stopped working. Seems it lost the user. I tried recreating the user both with the Companion GUI and the CLIP debugger but it seems the module simply stopped working :( (Mac, Bridge 2.0)

mattehalen commented 2 years ago

So it lost the user? That's strage. I know about the bug with create user. I can only give you this link and create a new user with it and save the username somewhere if companion removes the username again.

I'll try and see if I can find why some users can create user and why some can't.

jwildeboer commented 2 years ago

I did the hardcore fix. Deleted Comapnion, installed current beta again. That fixed it. Not really helpful for debugging, I apologise, but it solved my problem.