bitfocus / companion-module-raspberry-gpio

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GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi #1

Closed KrisMcC1 closed 3 months ago

KrisMcC1 commented 4 years ago

Hi lovely people

It would be great if a module existed to access the GPIO pins on a raspberry pi that companion is running on. As an extra bonus it would be extra amazing if you could access GPIO of other Pis on the network.

What do we think?


JeffreyDavidsz commented 4 years ago

Mmm Nice! +1

koko-chingo commented 4 years ago

That is an awesome idea.

Maybe assign a specific button to a GPIO pin. You could activate the Pi's pullup resistors and switch states by supplying a GND. The GPIO true/false could mirror pressing a button.

josephdadams commented 4 years ago

If a module is created for this, it would be pretty easy within the current Companion infrastructure to trigger GPIO pins of other Pis on the network by setting up the module on each install of Companion, adding the desired GPIO action to a button, and then triggering that button from another Companion install via OSC, TCP, UDP, HTTP, Art-Net, etc. All the normal ways.

JeffreyDavidsz commented 4 years ago

I've started on this last week, bit on windows node-gyp is a hussle. Will probably have to revert to my mac

sailingbo commented 4 years ago

+1! I was actually just wondering this morning how this could be achieved.

wcfrostick commented 4 years ago


I would like to bump this request. I am planing on using companion for my band. I have it talking with my audio and lighting console to do various tasks that we do throughout the gig. I recently built a pi python script that used physical buttons mounted in a project box with a pi using its GPIO that fired the OSC commands.

I love the idea of using both GPIO and a stream deck. The physical buttons will be used for very often used commands, and the stream deck will have the pages of buttons that are not used as much.

I use a combination of momentary buttons and push-on push off buttons, with a corresponding LED for status. My python script is linked below if you would like to look into how I managed to get it working basically flawlessly.

Please let me know if I could be any assistance to this.

melimat commented 3 years ago

HI all, so currently the module is capable of interfacing with CPIO pins on RPi. It delivers also state variables for each pin, state feedbacks and presets. Sadly though I did not implement control over network. So the module has to run physicaly in CompanionPi. But the network control is doable, so it's on my TODO list. But probably there should be a separate module for that.

tom-niddatal commented 1 year ago

Hi guys,

I tried to install GPIO on my Raspi. It was a little bit a hustle, but at least, I see that connection now in my connections section. Trying to add this connection fails with the following message:

Failed to create connection Failed: TimeoutError: Timed out after 5s.

Have you got any idea, what I am doing wrong?

guiguinux commented 1 year ago

Hi guys,

I tried to install GPIO on my Raspi. It was a little bit a hustle, but at least, I see that connection now in my connections section. Trying to add this connection fails with the following message:

Failed to create connection Failed: TimeoutError: Timed out after 5s.

Have you got any idea, what I am doing wrong?


XENONChromatic commented 5 months ago

Bumping this.

istnv commented 3 months ago

GPIO module updated for v3