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Repository for tracking module requests
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SwitchBot #1262

Open phillipkliewer opened 1 year ago

phillipkliewer commented 1 year ago

The name of the device, hardware, or software you would like to control: SwitchBot

What you would like to be able to make it do from Companion: Control all buttons/remotes/etc

Direct links or attachments to the ethernet control protocol or API:

phillipkliewer commented 12 months ago

Here's a python script to turn on 1 device - you'll need to put in the token, secret and MAC address of the device you want to control:

import json
import requests
import time
import hashlib
import hmac
import base64
import uuid

# Declare empty header dictionary
apiHeader = {}
# open token
token = '??????' # copy and paste from the SwitchBot app V6.14 or later
# secret key
secret = '??????????' # copy and paste from the SwitchBot app V6.14 or later
nonce = uuid.uuid4()
t = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
string_to_sign = '{}{}{}'.format(token, t, nonce)

string_to_sign = bytes(string_to_sign, 'utf-8')
secret = bytes(secret, 'utf-8')

sign = base64.b64encode(, msg=string_to_sign, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
print ('Authorization: {}'.format(token))
print ('t: {}'.format(t))
print ('sign: {}'.format(str(sign, 'utf-8')))
print ('nonce: {}'.format(nonce))

#Build api header JSON
apiHeader['sign']=str(sign, 'utf-8')

url = "" # Change out to your devices MAC address

data = {
    "command": "turnOn",
    "parameter": "default",
    "commandType": "command"

response =, headers=apiHeader, json=data)

print ("Status Code", response.status_code)
print("JSON Response ", response.json())