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Sollae Systems CSE-H20 #1453

Open Johanneskerk opened 2 months ago

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

We are using the CSE-H20 converter (TCP to RS-232 converter). It basically converts an ethernet signal with its communication to the RS-232 lanquage. Beamer WU515T-English.pdf

We want to send signals to our Projector WU515T with the RS232 Commands, such as: Power On Power Off Colour changes and so on... But our primary focus is the Power On and Power Off function.

We can not manage to controle the projector by using the Generic TCP Request. Are we doing something wrong? Or can this Module properly added to all the devices?

Off-topic: We use these converter in one other setup, and we have an PLC which sends commands to this projector already. But we can not enter this system to explore what and how and which signals are send to the CSE-H20.

JeLuF commented 2 months ago

Are we doing something wrong?

Hard to tell. Can you provide the command that you use in the TCP module? Which line end setting do you use?

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

TCP-UDP Settings WU515T Projector WU515T in Companion Command to Projector (Wu515T)

I have attached some pictures of our configuration. In the configuration list withing companion we see the Connecting Status: OK so i may asume that Companion has been connected to the right ports....?

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

We have the following settings configured on the COM1 and COM2 side of the CSE-H20 (our IP-adress, PORT 1470 / 1471) RS232 protocol function list Baud Rate : 9600 Data Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control : None

JeLuF commented 2 months ago

The command to power on the projector is ~0000 1 (note the space character between the zeros and the 1), with line end setting CR - \r (Old MacOS)

In newer versions of Companion, you could write the command as %7E%30%30%30%30%20%31%0D with line end setting None. I'm not sure whether your version already supports this.

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

We use the older Companion version (V2.4.2). Only because of the MIDI functionality, it seems to be missing in the newer version (or i was missing something). But as far i know this was not supported yet.

I have tried to send this command, but nothing seems to happen on the output as far I see.

From which version can i write the command like: %7E%30%30%30%30%20%31%0D Is it this exact sentence, or are the % marks needed? Perhaps that could be a solution. But can not test that right away (@home at the moment).

Any other suggestions?

istnv commented 2 months ago

Is the projector on the network? That model supports PJLink over Ethernet for power on/off and other functions.

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

Unfortunally, it is not yet on the network. In our maintenance over a few months we are going to patch a network cable and set the ethernet ports so we can approach the Projector from the network. But I was aware of that.

I See PJlink is getting supported by Companion, is it really that simple to send a command over ethernet to the ethernet port of the Projector? Perhaps the TCP-RS232 is not needed. But for now it would be nice if we can migrate both because the device is already in the topology of our network.

JeLuF commented 2 months ago

The % marks are needed to tell the module that you want to send a hex code. It will take the hex code, convert it to binary (in this case, actually ASCII), and send the converted string. ~0000 1 and %7E%30%30%30%30%20%31%0D are two ways to write the same command. But the command sent to the projector will be exactly the same. I don't know whether the old version already supports %, I don't have any 2.4 version around to test this.

istnv commented 2 months ago

The% encoding for hex was in the module very early. I would be surprised if you could find a companion version old enough that does not support it.

JeLuF commented 2 months ago

Ah, that's good. I wasn't sure since there isn't a help text like in newer versions.

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

I will test this in a few hours. Have not tried to do it that way. But perhaps this could be the solution. Fingers crossed.

The default port of the CSE-H20 is the used IP-adress with Port 1470 or Port 1471 (depending on which RS-232 Device we want to send our signals. The CSE-H20 can drive two RS-232 devices simultaniously.

Or am I missing something?

istnv commented 2 months ago

is it really that simple to send a command over ethernet to the ethernet port of the Projector?

The module also includes feedback for the lamp on/off status and if it is shuttered(muted)

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

@istnv I already implemented a button with that functionality :-P Now we need to attach a network Cable, haha.

JeLuF commented 2 months ago

image That orange box - is this from the latch/unlatch functionality, or does this indicate a connection failure?

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

At the moment the device is disconnected as the Power at our system is off. Can' turn it on manually. Perhaps i need to create a wake-on-command button which activates a relay switch or something, haha. I'm using remote control to set things up on the streaming-pc. But cant enter the devices as they are not running.

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

The % marks are needed to tell the module that you want to send a hex code. It will take the hex code, convert it to binary (in this case, actually ASCII), and send the converted string. ~0000 1 and %7E%30%30%30%30%20%31%0D are two ways to write the same command. But the command sent to the projector will be exactly the same. I don't know whether the old version already supports %, I don't have any 2.4 version around to test this.

This really saved my life! It is working perfectly!

Johanneskerk commented 2 months ago

Thanks all for supporting and help. Hopefully there can come some kind of module with presets with some of the major functions for the CSE-H20 :-) But that's up to companion :-)

JeLuF commented 2 months ago

Thanks all for supporting and help. Hopefully there can come some kind of module with presets with some of the major functions for the CSE-H20 :-)

The commands that we've discussed were for your projectors. Which presets could you imagine for the CSE-H20 itself?