bitfocus / companion-module-requests

Repository for tracking module requests
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OpenHAB Integration #266

Open noctividus opened 3 years ago

noctividus commented 3 years ago

Description This feature would allow controlling of OpenHAB items from companion buttons.

This would not be platform dependent, because OpenHAB can be accessed via a REST API.

Documentation for the OpenHAB REST API can be found here-

However, I recommend installing a local copy of OpenHAB to test. There is a REST page that makes it very easy.

Usecases OpenHAB integrates several smarthome products. I personally use it to set several office lighting scenes during my stream.

issue-label-bot[bot] commented 3 years ago

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josephdadams commented 3 years ago

This is a module request so I will transfer it to that repo.