bitfocus / companion-module-requests

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Apple TV #671

Open llamafilm opened 2 years ago

llamafilm commented 2 years ago

I would like to control an Apple TV 4K. There are a few different IP protocols used by these devices, and a lot of excellent reverse engineering has been done over at It sounds like Companion is the newest protocol, and the only one supported in tvOS 15. Some documentation is at

Apple TV can also be controlled by Bluetooth or IR blaster, but I think a direct IP connection would be the most reliable and efficient option.

danielkihlgren commented 2 years ago

A workaround, until it's fixed, may be to use home assistant. Configure the Apple TV in home assistant and control it from companion using the home assistant plugin.

llamafilm commented 2 years ago

@danielkihlgren thanks for your suggestion. I've already set it up with pyatv which is working with the generic HTTP module. I was not aware of Home Assistant, but it looks like they are also using pyatv to power their Apple TV integration. Off-topic, but that looks like an interesting project. I'll have to research to see if I want to move my substantial Homebridge setup over to that.