bitfocus / companion-module-sony-visca

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Stream deck Sony VISCA Sony x120 commend trigger confusion #70

Open yanchi920517 opened 4 months ago

yanchi920517 commented 4 months ago

Hi all,

I have been connect my Stream deck to my Sony x120, at first I use my own laptop the connection is fine and every commend line is good, but I try to connect the same system into my classroom laptop it cause a weird situation. First the commend some cannot function like normal pan til zoom, and some commend like til down becomes preset 1 and such, is there any issue causing this problem? The laptop in my classroom is quit old, a Fujitsu Lifebook e459

Thanks all

jwetzell commented 4 months ago

Is it the same setup besides the laptop (camera model, network, companion version) in both situations?

yanchi920517 commented 4 months ago

The same network switch, same camera, and same stream deck, just swapped the laptop.

jwetzell commented 4 months ago

I would be tempted to check the version of companion between the laptops just to make sure everything is on an even playing field.

yanchi920517 commented 4 months ago

Both companion also same version because I just install it last week

yanchi920517 commented 4 months ago

Is there any one can share some solution for similar error happen before, would like to fix this problem asap