bitfocus / companion

Bitfocus Companion enables the reasonably priced Elgato Streamdeck and other controllers to be a professional shotbox surface for an increasing amount of different presentation switchers, video playback software and broadcast equipment.
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Track button usage #2900

Open repsej2003 opened 3 weeks ago

repsej2003 commented 3 weeks ago

Is this a feature relevant to companion itself, and not a module?

Is there an existing issue for this?

Describe the feature

There should be a counter on each button, that tells how many times the button has been activated since the counter has been reset.


This is a way to track which buttons is use many times and which are barely used. This is helpful for places where the person who are using it are different than the people who set it up companion. And these feature would help them optimize the layout.

Plus it is fun to see how many times a button have been used over time, if you use it daily.

thedist commented 3 weeks ago

Companion logs show button press/releases, so one option could be to use the logs to get the button press data you need.

dnmeid commented 3 weeks ago

Personally I don't think that this is a feature which many users are missing or would need. Also we would need to find a way to implement this in the UI without wasting a lot of space for such a very occasional needed information. And last there are existing ways to do counters on demand. But anyhow we value your feedback and ideas for features and so I think maybe we leave this open for a while and see if it evolves into something.

repsej2003 commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah i would agree there is more important features to add, i just had the idea, and would like to put it out there.

Thank you for you great work