bitfocus / companion

Bitfocus Companion enables the reasonably priced Elgato Streamdeck and other controllers to be a professional shotbox surface for an increasing amount of different presentation switchers, video playback software and broadcast equipment.
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Add machine hostname as a new variable #2901

Open peternewman opened 3 weeks ago

peternewman commented 3 weeks ago

Is this a feature relevant to companion itself, and not a module?

Is there an existing issue for this?

Describe the feature

Maybe up to three variables, representing hostname, domain and FQDN which you can use wherever required.


E.g. in API calls via the HTTP generic module you may wish to identify the machine making the calls.

Julusian commented 2 weeks ago

I don't know how easy it will be to figure out some of these values, especially figuring out how to make them consistent across each os. But if they can all be generated on each platform then having them would be reasonable

peternewman commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah that makes sense @Julusian .

I've opened #2916 to get in the easy one of hostname which already exists (and would resolve my specific use case), I just added the others to be a bit more feature complete really, I've not dug around to find out which if any npm packages may solve those specific challenges in a cross-platform way.