bitfocus / io.bitfocus.companion-plugin

Companion plugin for the native Stream Deck application
MIT License
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feat: rewrite using new template, and supporting coordinates #10

Closed Julusian closed 2 months ago

Julusian commented 2 months ago

This is a complete rewrite of this plugin, which uses the latest elgato sdk currently labelled as being a beta This new sdk is still a little rough around the edges (being a beta), but provides a much better DX, as it switches plugins to be developed like any other app, and includes some nicities such as automatic plugin reloading and typescript.

This new version of the plugin has been tested with 3.3.0 and 3.2.2 (should still support 2.4.0, but not yet tested). It also switches to use the new location syntax instead of bank index.
Some styling of the property inspector have been improved a little too.