When placing an order for some symbols via API I get response:
Samples of symbols:
MPAY-USDT, PLA-ETH, GDP-USDT, QNT-BTC... and this list is quite long, like more than 80 symbols.
Please let me know how this can be fixed.
Ok, so to fix 20053 error when placing an order for the first time, we need to sign protocol in bithumb global website at trade page. Is there a way to do it programmatically (may be via API) ?
When placing an order for some symbols via API I get response: {"data":null,"code":"20053","msg":"暂未签约服务协议","timestamp":1578734596120} Samples of symbols: MPAY-USDT, PLA-ETH, GDP-USDT, QNT-BTC... and this list is quite long, like more than 80 symbols. Please let me know how this can be fixed.