bithumb-pro / python-api-client

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20053 error when placing an order #3

Open vladimir-efimenko opened 4 years ago

vladimir-efimenko commented 4 years ago

When placing an order for some symbols via API I get response: {"data":null,"code":"20053","msg":"暂未签约服务协议","timestamp":1578734596120} Samples of symbols: MPAY-USDT, PLA-ETH, GDP-USDT, QNT-BTC... and this list is quite long, like more than 80 symbols. Please let me know how this can be fixed.

vladimir-efimenko commented 4 years ago

Ok, so to fix 20053 error when placing an order for the first time, we need to sign protocol in bithumb global website at trade page. Is there a way to do it programmatically (may be via API) ?