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Sats stuck in archived vault #4433

Open ASN-BitHyve opened 2 months ago

ASN-BitHyve commented 2 months ago

Couple releases back in prod release I tried to rotate out a key. The app hadn't responded so I killed and restarted. Then I tried sending sats out. Couldn't. While trying to send sats out, the app glitched and I found the vault archived (from my previous attempt of rotating the keys out). Now sats are stuck in that vault and I'm unable to send them out. Getting insufficient balance message.

antuz123 commented 2 months ago

The user tried to do a key change (vault change), and it did not work (the app did not allow it); then, later, he tried to send a txn and it ended up being a vault change. So the sats seem to be stuck.

may be there was a transaction somewhere which got sent.

This is an edge case and difficult to replicate. Also the backup is for the user to restore the Archived Vault.

PraneethGunas commented 1 month ago

The above behavior is because we have a user flow where we transfer funds from the old vault to the new vault (during key rotation or scheme change) and only after the fund transfer, we create the new vault. This temporary vault is persisted until the transfer is complete. Even after the app restarts and the user lands on the vault that was being rotated, the transfer continues right after we land inside the vault. This behaviour was implemented since the beginning. Please let me know if there is any change to be made in this flow. As of now this is a feature and not a bug.

PraneethGunas commented 1 month ago

4664 Dependent task. Moving it to 33. Will move back if timeline falls in place