bithyve / bitcoin-keeper

Secure today, plan for tomorrow. BIP 85 hot wallets, buy bitcoin, tor privacy.
MIT License
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Suggested changes to be made in development #4807

Open Deveshshankar opened 1 week ago

Deveshshankar commented 1 week ago
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 2 16 44 PM

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Onboarding" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Time Display: The time on the design (9:41) and the app (11:36) is different, although this is minor and can be ignored. Skip Button: The "Skip" button text appears consistent but check the alignment and spacing. Main Content:

Title Text: The title "Comprehensive security for your bitcoin" appears consistent in both but verify the exact font size and weight. Image: The central graphic (illustration of keys and connections) seems consistent but ensure the exact size and positioning. Subtitle Text: The subtitle text below the image ("Create single or multi-key wallets...") appears smaller in the app. Verify the font size and weight. Button Styles:

Button Text: The text "See FAQs" should match in size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: The size and padding of the button differ slightly between the design and the app. Pagination Dots:

Dot Size and Spacing: The size and spacing of the pagination dots at the bottom appear consistent but verify the exact match. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the title, image, subtitle, button, and pagination dots should be consistent with the design. Bottom Margin: The bottom margin in the app appears larger than in the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

Skip Button: Ensure the "Skip" button is aligned correctly and matches the design's spacing. Main Content:

Title Text: Verify the font size and weight of "Comprehensive security for your bitcoin" to ensure it matches the design. Image: Ensure the size and positioning of the central graphic match the design specifications. Subtitle Text: Increase the font size and adjust the weight of the subtitle text to match the design. Button Styles:

Button Text: Ensure the text "See FAQs" matches the design in terms of size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: Adjust the button size and padding to match the design specifications. Pagination Dots:

Dot Size and Spacing: Verify the size and spacing of the pagination dots to ensure they match the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Adjust the spacing between the title, image, subtitle, button, and pagination dots to match the design. Bottom Margin: Reduce the bottom margin to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Onboarding" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 2 16 51 PM

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Onboarding - 3" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Time Display: The time on the design (9:41) and the app (11:36) is different, although this is minor and can be ignored. Skip Button: The "Skip" button text appears consistent, but the alignment and spacing should be verified. Main Content:

Title Text: The title "Security should not come at the cost of privacy" appears consistent in both but verify the exact font size and weight. Image: The central graphic (illustration of keys and connections) seems consistent, but ensure the exact size and positioning. Subtitle Text: The subtitle text below the image ("No account creation is needed...") appears smaller in the app. Verify the font size and weight. Button Styles:

Button Text: The text "See FAQs" should match in size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: The size and padding of the button differ slightly between the design and the app. Pagination Dots:

Dot Size and Spacing: The size and spacing of the pagination dots at the bottom appear consistent, but verify the exact match. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the title, image, subtitle, button, and pagination dots should be consistent with the design. Bottom Margin: The bottom margin in the app appears larger than in the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

Skip Button: Ensure the "Skip" button is aligned correctly and matches the design's spacing. Main Content:

Title Text: Verify the font size and weight of "Security should not come at the cost of privacy" to ensure it matches the design. Image: Ensure the size and positioning of the central graphic match the design specifications. Subtitle Text: Increase the font size and adjust the weight of the subtitle text to match the design. Button Styles:

Button Text: Ensure the text "See FAQs" matches the design in terms of size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: Adjust the button size and padding to match the design specifications. Pagination Dots:

Dot Size and Spacing: Verify the size and spacing of the pagination dots to ensure they match the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Adjust the spacing between the title, image, subtitle, button, and pagination dots to match the design. Bottom Margin: Reduce the bottom margin to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Onboarding - 3" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 2 16 56 PM

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Onboarding - 2" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Time Display: The time on the design (9:41) and the app (11:37) is different, although this is minor and can be ignored. Skip Button: The "Skip" button text appears consistent, but the alignment and spacing should be verified. Main Content:

Title Text: The title "Upgrade to Diamond Hands for generational holding" appears consistent in both but verify the exact font size and weight. Image: The central graphic (illustration of keys and connections) seems consistent but ensure the exact size and positioning. Subtitle Text: The subtitle text below the image ("Plan your inheritance...") appears smaller in the app. Verify the font size and weight. Button Styles:

Button Text: The text "See FAQs" and "Start App" should match in size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: The size and padding of the buttons differ slightly between the design and the app. Pagination Dots:

Dot Size and Spacing: The size and spacing of the pagination dots at the bottom appear consistent but verify the exact match. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the title, image, subtitle, button, and pagination dots should be consistent with the design. Bottom Margin: The bottom margin in the app appears larger than in the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

Skip Button: Ensure the "Skip" button is aligned correctly and matches the design's spacing. Main Content:

Title Text: Verify the font size and weight of "Upgrade to Diamond Hands for generational holding" to ensure it matches the design. Image: Ensure the size and positioning of the central graphic match the design specifications. Subtitle Text: Increase the font size and adjust the weight of the subtitle text to match the design. Button Styles:

Button Text: Ensure the text "See FAQs" and "Start App" match the design in terms of size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: Adjust the button size and padding to match the design specifications. Pagination Dots:

Dot Size and Spacing: Verify the size and spacing of the pagination dots to ensure they match the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Adjust the spacing between the title, image, subtitle, button, and pagination dots to match the design. Bottom Margin: Reduce the bottom margin to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Onboarding - 2" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience. ​​

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 10 23 00 AM

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Welcome Start" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Time Display: The time on the design (9:41) and the app (11:37) is different, although this is minor and can be ignored. "Need Help?" Button: The "Need Help?" button in the design is labeled "Learn More" in the app. Verify the size, padding, and color. Main Content:

Title Text: The title "Welcome" appears consistent in both but verify the exact font size and weight. Subtitle Text: The subtitle text ("Create a fresh app or recover an existing one") appears slightly different in size and weight. Verify consistency. Cards Section: The text and icons within the cards ("Start now" and "Recover an existing app") should be consistent in size and alignment. Ensure the padding and border-radius of the cards match the design. Footer Text: The footer text ("Note: By proceeding you agree to our Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy") appears smaller in the app. Verify the font size and weight. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the title, subtitle, cards section, and footer text should be consistent with the design. Bottom Margin: The bottom margin in the app appears larger than in the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

"Need Help?" Button: Ensure the text, size, padding, and color of the button match the design. If the button text needs to be "Learn More," ensure it matches the design specifications. Main Content:

Title Text: Verify the font size and weight of "Welcome" to ensure it matches the design. Subtitle Text: Adjust the font size and weight of the subtitle text to match the design. Cards Section: Ensure the icons and text within the cards are consistent in size and alignment with the design. Adjust the padding and border-radius of the cards to match the design. Footer Text: Increase the font size and adjust the weight of the footer text to match the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Adjust the spacing between the title, subtitle, cards section, and footer text to match the design specifications. Bottom Margin: Reduce the bottom margin to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Welcome Start" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience. ​​

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 10 23 26 AM

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Home – Start – 1" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Logo and Text: The text "Pleb" and "PLEB" seem consistent, but verify the exact font size and weight. Gear Icon: The gear icon appears consistent, but ensure the exact size and positioning match the design. Notification Banner:

Text Content: The text content in the notification banner differs between the design and the app. Buttons: The "SKIP" and "ACTION" buttons in the design are different from the "SKIP" and "BACKUP" buttons in the app. Verify the size, padding, and color of the buttons. Main Content:

Cards Section: The icons and text within the cards (Manage Keys, Inheritance Planning, Keeper Concierge) should be consistent in size and alignment. Ensure the padding and border-radius of the cards match the design. Wallet Section: The text "01 Wallets" and "1 Wallet" should be verified for font size and weight consistency. The wallet details, including the icon and text, should match the design specifications. Button Styles:

Add Wallet Button: The "Add Wallet" button should be consistent in size, padding, and border-radius with the design. Button Text: Ensure the text inside the buttons is consistent in size, weight, and color. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the notification banner, cards section, wallet section, and buttons should be consistent with the design. Bottom Margin: The bottom margin in the app appears slightly different from the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

Logo and Text: Ensure the font size and weight for "Pleb" and "PLEB" match the design. Gear Icon: Adjust the size and positioning of the gear icon to match the design. Notification Banner:

Text Content: Ensure the text content in the notification banner matches the design. Buttons: Adjust the size, padding, and color of the "SKIP" and "ACTION" buttons to match the design specifications. Main Content:

Cards Section: Ensure the icons and text within the cards are consistent in size and alignment with the design. Adjust the padding and border-radius of the cards to match the design. Wallet Section: Verify and adjust the font size and weight for the text "01 Wallets" and "1 Wallet." Ensure the wallet details, including the icon and text, match the design specifications. Button Styles:

Add Wallet Button: Adjust the size, padding, and border-radius of the "Add Wallet" button to match the design. Button Text: Ensure the text inside the buttons is consistent in size, weight, and color with the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Adjust the spacing between the notification banner, cards section, wallet section, and buttons to match the design specifications. Bottom Margin: Reduce the bottom margin to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Home – Start – 1" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience.

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 10 23 05 AM

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Setting up App" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Time Display: The time on the design (9:41) and the app (11:37) is different, although this is minor and can be ignored. Background Blur: The background blur in the app screen is less prominent compared to the design. Main Content:

Title Text: The title "Setting up your app" appears consistent in both but verify the exact font size and weight. Subtitle Text: The subtitle text below the title ("Keeper lets you create...") appears slightly smaller in the app. Verify the font size and weight. Graphic: The central graphic (illustration of gears and connections) seems consistent, but ensure the exact size and positioning. Footer Text: The footer text ("This step will take a few seconds...") appears smaller in the app. Verify the font size and weight. Pagination Dots:

Dot Size and Spacing: The size and spacing of the pagination dots at the bottom appear consistent but verify the exact match. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the title, subtitle, graphic, footer text, and pagination dots should be consistent with the design. Bottom Margin: The bottom margin in the app appears larger than in the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

Background Blur: Increase the background blur to match the design specifications. Main Content:

Title Text: Verify the font size and weight of "Setting up your app" to ensure it matches the design. Subtitle Text: Increase the font size and adjust the weight of the subtitle text to match the design. Graphic: Ensure the size and positioning of the central graphic match the design specifications. Footer Text: Increase the font size and adjust the weight of the footer text to match the design. Pagination Dots:

Dot Size and Spacing: Verify the size and spacing of the pagination dots to ensure they match the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Adjust the spacing between the title, subtitle, graphic, footer text, and pagination dots to match the design specifications. Bottom Margin: Reduce the bottom margin to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Setting up App" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience. ​

Differences Identified Header Section:

Font Size and Weight: The font size of "Keeper Settings" appears slightly different. Icons: The gear icon and Bitcoin icon have different placements and sizes. Alignment: The alignment of the text "Customize your app" differs between the design and the app. Cards Section:

Icon Sizes: The icons within the cards (Recovery Key, Manage Wallets, Personal Cloud Backup) differ in size. Padding: The padding inside the cards appears inconsistent. Card Shadows: The shadows on the cards seem less pronounced in the app than in the design. Settings List:

Font Size: The text for the settings items (Dark Mode, App Access, etc.) is smaller in the app. Switch Style: The Dark Mode toggle switch is different in design and the app in terms of color and size. Spacing: The spacing between each settings item is less in the app compared to the design. Footer Section:

Button Styles: The "Keeper Telegram" and "Keeper Twitter" buttons differ in padding and font size. Text Alignment: The "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" links are not aligned the same way in the app. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

Font Size and Weight: Ensure the font size and weight for "Keeper Settings" matches the design. Icons: Adjust the size and placement of the gear icon and Bitcoin icon to match the design. Alignment: Align the text "Customize your app" correctly under "Keeper Settings." Cards Section:

Icon Sizes: Ensure the icons within the cards are the same size as in the design. Padding: Adjust the padding inside the cards to match the design specifications. Card Shadows: Add more pronounced shadows to the cards to match the design. Settings List:

Font Size: Increase the font size of the settings items to match the design. Switch Style: Update the Dark Mode toggle switch to match the design in terms of color and size. Spacing: Increase the spacing between each settings item to match the design. Footer Section:

Button Styles: Adjust the padding and font size of the "Keeper Telegram" and "Keeper Twitter" buttons to match the design. Text Alignment: Ensure the "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" links are aligned as per the design. By addressing these discrepancies, the app will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience. ​​

Differences Identified Header Section:

Font Size and Weight: The font size of "Backup Recovery Key" appears consistent, but ensure the weight matches the design. Text Alignment: The alignment of the text "Carefully write down the 12-word Recovery Key..." differs between the design and the app. Button Styles:

Button Text: The text "View Recovery Key" and "Backup Now" should match in size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: The size and padding of the buttons differ between the design and the app. Icon Size:

Icon within the Card: The icon size within the card appears larger in the app than in the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the text, icon, and button should be consistent with the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

Font Size and Weight: Ensure the font size and weight for "Backup Recovery Key" matches the design. Text Alignment: Align the text "Carefully write down the 12-word Recovery Key..." correctly under the header. Button Styles:

Button Text: Ensure the text "View Recovery Key" and "Backup Now" matches the design in terms of size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: Adjust the button size and padding to match the design specifications. Icon Size:

Icon within the Card: Reduce the icon size within the card to match the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Increase the spacing between the text, icon, and button to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Backup Phrase (Seed)" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience.

Screenshot%202024-06-19%20at%2010 02 43%E2%80%AFAM

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Recovery Key" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Font Size and Weight: The font size of "Recovery Key" appears slightly different. Text Alignment: The alignment of the text "Make sure you keep this safe" differs between the design and the app. Input Fields:

Field Size: The size of the input fields for the recovery key is slightly different. Font Size: The font size within the input fields appears smaller in the app. Field Border: The borders of the input fields are lighter in the app. Button Styles:

Button Text: The text "Next" should match in size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: The size and padding of the button differ between the design and the app. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the input fields and other elements should be consistent with the design. Note Section: The spacing around the note section at the bottom appears different. Miscellaneous:

"Learn More" Button: The "Learn More" button in the design is not present in the app. Bottom Navigation: The bottom navigation indicator (line) is missing in the app. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

Font Size and Weight: Ensure the font size and weight for "Recovery Key" matches the design. Text Alignment: Align the text "Make sure you keep this safe" correctly under the header. Input Fields:

Field Size: Adjust the size of the input fields to match the design specifications. Font Size: Increase the font size within the input fields to match the design. Field Border: Darken the borders of the input fields to match the design. Button Styles:

Button Text: Ensure the text "Next" matches the design in terms of size, weight, and color. Button Size and Padding: Adjust the button size and padding to match the design specifications. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Increase the spacing between the input fields and other elements to match the design. Note Section: Adjust the spacing around the note section at the bottom to match the design. Miscellaneous:

"Learn More" Button: Add the "Learn More" button as present in the design. Bottom Navigation: Add the bottom navigation indicator (line) as shown in the design. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Mobile Key" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience. ​​

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 12 23 27 PM

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Add a Wallet" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Time Display: The time on the design (9:41) and the app (11:49) is different, although this is minor and can be ignored. "Need Help?" Button: The "Need Help?" button in the design is labeled "Learn More" in the app. Verify the size, padding, and color. Main Content:

Title Text: The title "Add a Wallet" appears consistent in both but verify the exact font size and weight. Subtitle Text: The subtitle text ("Choose from a template") appears slightly different in size and weight. Verify consistency. Cards Section: The text and icons within the cards ("Create New," "Import," "Advanced") should be consistent in size and alignment. Ensure the padding and border-radius of the cards match the design. Wallet Options: The text and icons for wallet options (Hot Wallet, 2-of-3 Vault, 3-of-5 Vault, Collaborative) should be consistent in size and alignment. Ensure the padding and spacing are consistent with the design. Upgrade Section: The "Upgrade" button and the text "Available to Diamond Hands users" should be consistent in size and style. Verify padding and alignment. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the title, subtitle, cards section, wallet options, and upgrade section should be consistent with the design. Bottom Margin: The bottom margin in the app appears larger than in the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

"Need Help?" Button: Ensure the text, size, padding, and color of the button match the design. If the button text needs to be "Learn More," ensure it matches the design specifications. Main Content:

Title Text: Verify the font size and weight of "Add a Wallet" to ensure it matches the design. Subtitle Text: Adjust the font size and weight of the subtitle text to match the design. Cards Section: Ensure the icons and text within the cards ("Create New," "Import," "Advanced") are consistent in size and alignment with the design. Adjust the padding and border-radius of the cards to match the design. Wallet Options: Ensure the text and icons for wallet options (Hot Wallet, 2-of-3 Vault, 3-of-5 Vault, Collaborative) are consistent in size and alignment with the design. Adjust the padding and spacing to match the design specifications. Upgrade Section: Ensure the "Upgrade" button and the text "Available to Diamond Hands users" are consistent in size and style with the design. Adjust the padding and alignment as needed. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Adjust the spacing between the title, subtitle, cards section, wallet options, and upgrade section to match the design specifications. Bottom Margin: Reduce the bottom margin to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Add a Wallet" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience. ​

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Add a Wallet – Hot Wallet" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Time Display: The time on the design (9:41) is consistent in both screens. "Need Help?" Button: The "Need Help?" button is labeled consistently, but verify the size, padding, and color. Main Content:

Title Text: The title "Create a Hot Wallet" appears consistent in both, but verify the exact font size and weight. Subtitle Text: The subtitle text ("With Mobile key (Single-key)") appears slightly different in size and weight. Verify consistency. Input Fields: The text and placeholder within the input fields ("Name your vault," "Add a description (Optional)," "$") should be consistent in size and alignment. Ensure the padding and border-radius of the input fields match the design. Text Below Input: The instructional text below the input fields ("When the wallet balance crosses...") appears slightly smaller in the app. Verify the font size and weight. Button Styles: The "Proceed" button should be consistent in size, padding, and border-radius. Ensure the text inside the button is consistent in size, weight, and color. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the title, subtitle, input fields, instructional text, and buttons should be consistent with the design. Bottom Margin: The bottom margin in the app appears larger than in the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

"Need Help?" Button: Ensure the text, size, padding, and color of the button match the design. Main Content:

Title Text: Verify the font size and weight of "Create a Hot Wallet" to ensure it matches the design. Subtitle Text: Adjust the font size and weight of the subtitle text to match the design. Input Fields: Ensure the text and placeholder within the input fields ("Name your vault," "Add a description (Optional)," "$") are consistent in size and alignment with the design. Adjust the padding and border-radius of the input fields to match the design. Text Below Input: Increase the font size and adjust the weight of the instructional text below the input fields to match the design. Button Styles: Adjust the size, padding, and border-radius of the "Proceed" button to match the design. Ensure the text inside the button is consistent in size, weight, and color with the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Adjust the spacing between the title, subtitle, input fields, instructional text, and buttons to match the design specifications. Bottom Margin: Reduce the bottom margin to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Add a Wallet – Hot Wallet" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience. ​​

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 12 40 57 PM

Let's analyze the provided comparison of the design and the actual app screens for the "Add a Vault" screen.

Differences Identified Header Section:

Time Display: The time on the design (9:41) and the app (11:49) is different, although this is minor and can be ignored. "Need Help?" Button: The "Need Help?" button is labeled consistently, but verify the size, padding, and color. Main Content:

Title Text: The title "Setup a Vault" appears consistent in both, but verify the exact font size and weight. Subtitle Text: The subtitle text ("Create an m-of-n vault") appears slightly different in size and weight. Verify consistency. Input Fields: The text and placeholder within the input fields ("Name your vault," "Add a description (Optional)") should be consistent in size and alignment. Ensure the padding and border-radius of the input fields match the design. Configuration Section: The text and buttons for "Total keys for vault configuration" and "Required Keys" should be consistent in size and alignment. Ensure the padding, border-radius, and spacing of the buttons match the design. Button Styles: The "Proceed" button should be consistent in size, padding, and border-radius. Ensure the text inside the button is consistent in size, weight, and color. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: The spacing between the title, subtitle, input fields, configuration section, and buttons should be consistent with the design. Bottom Margin: The bottom margin in the app appears larger than in the design. Instructions for Developers Header Section:

"Need Help?" Button: Ensure the text, size, padding, and color of the button match the design. Main Content:

Title Text: Verify the font size and weight of "Setup a Vault" to ensure it matches the design. Subtitle Text: Adjust the font size and weight of the subtitle text to match the design. Input Fields: Ensure the text and placeholder within the input fields ("Name your vault," "Add a description (Optional)") are consistent in size and alignment with the design. Adjust the padding and border-radius of the input fields to match the design. Configuration Section: Ensure the text and buttons for "Total keys for vault configuration" and "Required Keys" are consistent in size and alignment with the design. Adjust the padding, border-radius, and spacing of the buttons to match the design. Button Styles: Adjust the size, padding, and border-radius of the "Proceed" button to match the design. Ensure the text inside the button is consistent in size, weight, and color with the design. Spacing:

Spacing between Elements: Adjust the spacing between the title, subtitle, input fields, configuration section, and buttons to match the design specifications. Bottom Margin: Reduce the bottom margin to match the design specifications. By addressing these discrepancies, the "Add a Vault" screen will better align with the design specifications, ensuring a more consistent user experience.