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Wallet settings (BIP-329 ) #4829

Open Deveshshankar opened 4 days ago

Deveshshankar commented 4 days ago

Step 1: Navigate to Wallet Settings

Action: Open the Bitcoin Keeper app and select the wallet you want to add labels to. Next Step: Tap on the wallet settings or management options. Step 2: Select Add Labels Option

Action: Choose the 'Add Labels' option in the wallet settings. Step 3: Assign Labels

Action: Select wallet components (addresses, transactions, UTXOs) and enter labels. Next Step: Save the labels. Step 4: Export Wallet with Labels

Action: Choose 'Export as BIP 329' in the export/backup options. Next Step: Confirm export and save the BIP 329 file. Visual Flowchart Navigate to Wallet Settings

Wallet Home Screen -> Wallet Settings Select Add Labels Option

Wallet Settings -> Add Labels Assign Labels

Select Components -> Enter Labels -> Save Export Wallet with Labels

Wallet Settings -> Export/Backup Options -> Select 'Export as BIP 329' -> Confirm Export -> Save File This streamlined user flow ensures you can easily add labels to your wallet components and export them in a BIP 329 file within the Bitcoin Keeper app.