bithyve / bitcoin-keeper

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Importing an External Seed as RK (Not generated by Bitcoin Keeper ) #4830

Open Deveshshankar opened 4 days ago

Deveshshankar commented 4 days ago

Let the user enter an External Seed to create a Keeper app. Changes:

  1. Ensure that if the app image is present, the app can retrieve it reliably (a bug that Utkarsh is facing and more)
  2. When the App Image is not found, you create a new app with the seed provided
  3. Give an option to the user to use 18 or 24 words if needed (during recovery)
  4. Show the same 12/ 18/ 24 words when showing RK, depending on what was used. Currently, only 12 are shown.
  5. TBD: use of passphrase when using an external key.