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User facing issue in transfering sats from Savings Account in Hexa 1.0 #5124

Closed ASN-BitHyve closed 2 years ago

ASN-BitHyve commented 2 years ago

Hexa 1 is crashing when the user is trying to move their funds from Savings Account into Hexa 2.0

Username: @chagomanso - Telegram

Version history:



Parsh commented 2 years ago

I didn't see the app crashing in the above video, what I did notice tho is that the app is working really slowly, nor do I see the send journey being completed.

Nevertheless, I've tried sending from the Savings account(Hexa 1) to check whether 2FA based transactions are getting appropriately signed by the Signing Server and the tx went through perfectly fine.




@ASN-BitHyve Can we have more information on this? Maybe another screen recording that actually shows the crash or the error which comes up after the user enters the 2-FA token and press send.

ASN-BitHyve commented 2 years ago

Abhilash has DMed the user asking them to get on a Zoom call.

ASN-BitHyve commented 2 years ago
antuz123 commented 2 years ago

Add the error messages so that we know where the issue is.

Parsh commented 2 years ago

Add the error messages so that we know where the issue is.

Addressed by

ASN-BitHyve commented 2 years ago

User issue resolved.