bitluni / ESP32-S3-VGA

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Additional 16:9 Modes Request #9

Open BrainBoardz opened 8 months ago

BrainBoardz commented 8 months ago

I'm putting in a request to see if we could maybe add a one or two 16:9 resolution below the 720p one. My rationale is that these are very useful as widescreen TV's are now pretty much the norm and 4:3 modes can look a bit odd on these screens. I was thinking that 854X480 mode might be doable and perhaps a mode at even lower resolutions to get for better performance. I did some work on calculating an 854X480 mode and the result, while clearly not correct (I'm trying other settings), was definitely visually wider looking than the 4:3 modes.

MODE_854x480x60(24, 128, 88, 854, 1, 4, 23, 480, 40000000);

I've ran into issue trying to calculate the correct parameters (I think my main issue is not fully understanding how that frequency value is calculated). A bit more clarification in the Arduno code on how the frequencies are calculated would be very helpful . I know this specific mode is not listed in CEA-861, but perhaps it or similar could work? I'm really enjoying watching this library develop!