bitluni / ESP32CamTimeLapse

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Flashing LED #13

Open ThKrause opened 4 years ago

ThKrause commented 4 years ago

Nice Work, but the flashing LED driving me nuts..

Here is a hint for switch off the flashing LED

In file.cpp change the following line :

bool initFileSystem() { if (!SD_MMC.begin())

to bool initFileSystem() { if (!SD_MMC.begin("/sdcard", true))

This switch the SDCARD-Reader to 3-wire-mode and you can control the LED with PIN 4 like //switch FlashLED off pinMode(4, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(4, 0); Otherwise it is also possible to dimming the LED in PWM-mode

I appended a zip with switched off LED and a WiFimanager

vjccruz commented 4 years ago

Thank you @ThKrause.

Work for me.

devinzhang91 commented 2 years ago

I modify SD card writing with SPI mode , so that it can using flash light. But it unstable which the photos maybe incomplete.

Grey-Lancaster commented 4 months ago

@ThKrause there is no my_config.h file?