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Jitter #17

Open mattsaintdev opened 5 years ago

mattsaintdev commented 5 years ago

I experienced a noticeable jitter in the image which i thought may be resolved when i put a cheap VGA->HDMI adaptor directly on the prototype board screw terminal VGA connector. It didn't resolve it though i was sure it wasnt a sync/clock problem as described in the videos.

What eventually resolved it was when i purchased a small pack of 8 snap shut ferrite cores from Amazon with an 3mm tube down the centre. I put them on all the colour digital lines bunching a few wires together, then one on the three DAC output RGB lines, two on the USB power line (one at each end) and one around the H & V sync and the jitter has now gone.

Obviously it was picking up some RF interference from local power supplies or a noisy mains device which is why lots of devices have internal metal shielding.