bitluni / ESP32Lib
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You have to connect the VGA cable after the ESP turns on #5

Closed ShonP40 closed 5 years ago

ShonP40 commented 5 years ago

You have to connect the VGA cable after the ESP turns on. If I am connecting the VGA cable and then powering on the ESP I will not get signal but if I let the ESP boot and then connect the VGA cable I will get a signal.

Gun-neR commented 5 years ago

I suspect much depends on the monitor you use. Mine has an automatic adjustment based on the signal and the displayed content. One way I found to assure my monitor locks onto the signal at ESP boot is to set the background color to something that is not black :)

  //clearing with coloured background
  vga.clear(vga.RGB(0xff0000));  // BBGGRR

This has worked flawlessly since.

ShonP40 commented 5 years ago

There is a blue LED on the ESP that lets you know when the code is running. But when I power on the ESP after it’s already plugged into the monitor the blue LED doesn’t turn on.

Gun-neR commented 5 years ago

I can't speak about the LED... mine seems to be always on. When I started playing with this library, I also thought it wasn't working. But as stated, it was the monitor not catching the signal in time, not the ESP32 or the library.

bitluni commented 5 years ago

the problem is gpio 0 all my monitors don't mess with it but some people were reporting having problems. change from gpio 0 for hsync to 32 or 33

ShonP40 commented 5 years ago

Thanks. I will try it later today.

ShonP40 commented 5 years ago

Changing hsync from gpio 0 to gpio 32 fixed the problem.
