Open e-labInnovations opened 3 years ago
This is an old goal. It would be great if you can help. Try using the "examples/GFXWrapper", and the Adafruit_ImageReader library. Please keep us posted of your progress.
Hi, my library works with Adafruit GFX but I cannot test with the GFXWrapper. You opened an issue without further information... which error do you get? Where can I found your code?
@lucadentella Hello Luca. I invited e-labInnovations to look into this topic and he found your library and wrote to you. I read that you developed with ESP32. Thus, you could test this library without any hardware (just some jumper wires to a VGA cable or a composite TV). Clone the "development" branch (not the master) and have a look at the examples. In the src/vga and src/composite folders, header files have some simple schematics. It would be really nice if your library and this one could work together.
Hi Martin, unfortunately at the moment I'm on a job travel and I won't be able to work on this for at least a month: that's why I was asking @e-labInnovations if he made some tests with the two libraries or he was "only" asking for anyone to do the job for him...
Hi @lucadentella I tried your library with this library. Here is my code
#include <ESP32Lib.h>
#include <GfxWrapper.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <SPIFFS_ImageReader.h>
//VGA Device
VGA3Bit vga;
GfxWrapper<VGA3Bit> gfx(vga, 640, 400);
// Image reader
SPIFFS_ImageReader reader;
//pin configuration
#define redPin 12
#define greenPin 14
#define bluePin 27
#define hsyncPin 26
#define vsyncPin 25
//initial setup
void setup() {
// initialize SPIFFS
if(!SPIFFS.begin()) {
Serial.println("SPIFFS initialisation failed!");
while (1);
vga.init(vga.MODE640x400, redPin, greenPin, bluePin, hsyncPin, vsyncPin);
// draw image
reader.drawBMP("/minion.bmp", gfx, 0, 0);
void loop() {
Here is the compilation error
ESP32_VGA_SPIFFS_Bitmap:29:42: error: no matching function for call to 'SPIFFS_ImageReader::drawBMP(const char [12], GfxWrapper<VGA3Bit>&, int, int)'
reader.drawBMP("/minion.bmp", gfx, 0, 0);
\SPIFFS_ImageReader_Library\src/SPIFFS_ImageReader.h:97:19: note: candidate: ImageReturnCode SPIFFS_ImageReader::drawBMP(char*, Adafruit_SPITFT&, int16_t, int16_t, boolean)
ImageReturnCode drawBMP(char *filename, Adafruit_SPITFT &tft, int16_t x,
unfortunately my library requires an Adafruit_SPITFT object (the second parameter of the drawBMP method).
That is an intermediate object included in the Adafruit_GFX library:
From what I understood, the GfxWrapper provided with this library is a wrapper for the "main" class (Adafruit_GFX) and therefore cannot be used directly with my library. You should write a "fake" SPITFT object or rewrite part of my library.
I would like to show an image (BMP, png, jpg or sprite) from SPIFFS to VGA (MODE640x400 or any). How is this possible?