bitluni / LenticularExperiments

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Lenses 3D file not generated ? #1

Open Titi9237 opened 3 years ago

Titi9237 commented 3 years ago

Hi, The html code seems to be working well to merge the picture but I was wondering how to get the actual lenses that should be 3D printed ? Thanks

stephaneAG commented 2 years ago

HI there ! ( As I'm not the author, take my words with caution )

I think you 'll need to re-watch the corresponding video of Bitluni on Youtube: he gives some infos on the lenticular sheet he printed to be as much 'spot on as possible while not doing this hack the "traditional" way but visually' ( & and also gives a diagram with Snell-Descartes's law of refraction: )

On a related / close subject ( and reason I'm passing by here in the 1st place, to stumble upon your comment & answering it the best I can ), I am currently digging how to get a 'correct' lenticular plano-convex sheet 'profile' ( I mean in a way a little 'different' than generating a design in Fusion360 & other CAD softwares: my 'hugely wip' tool currently 'visually helps' in 'mapping' some lens characteristics to a specific number of views:,output

It could be somehow complementary to Bitluni's code, to help getting a sheet that 'fits' a specific ppi/dpi

the said wip tool:,output

Hoping this helps, I continue this message with something adressed to Bitluni himself ;p

@bitluni Thanks for the neat code & videos ( on the resent subject & others ;p ): I am currently digging the 'lenticular hacks' subject, and was wondering if you 'd fancy some quick chat when you have time to do so on Discord & cie: I think you may be able to help me to workout the missing 'correct' optics Maths for calculating the relationship between thickness of cylindrical plano-convex, focal length ( 'main' one, as well as 'back focal length' ) radius of curvature, and viewing angle ( & other things I think I didn't got right yet ;p :/ ) So really, feel free to contact me at: seedsodesign at gmail dot com

This being said, wishing everyone a very nice day +