bitmaelum / bitmaelum-suite

BitMaelum software suite
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setup bmbridge as a windows service #184

Closed jaytaph closed 3 years ago

jaytaph commented 3 years ago

Allow bmbridge to run as a service on windows (but likely on other oses as well

acalatrava commented 3 years ago

I implemented service management for both bm-server and bm-bridge. However bm-bridge is not working properly because of vault password (not sure why yet)

This should work on any OS.

There is a new command on bm-config to manage services

#./bm-config service
Service management

  bm-config service [command]

Available Commands:
  install     Installs the service bm-server into the system
  remove      Remove the service from the system
  start       Starts the service
  stop        Stops the service

  -h, --help   help for service
#./bm-config service install
Installs the service bm-server into the system

  bm-config service install [flags]

      --bm-bridge         Manage bm-bridge service
      --bm-server         Manage bm-server service
  -h, --help              help for install
      --imaphost string   Set the host for the IMAP server (bm-bridge)
      --smtphost string   Set the host for the SMTP server (bm-bridge)

acalatrava commented 3 years ago

Fixed on PR #191