bitmagnet-io / bitmagnet

A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration.
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webui with an IP other than localhost #113

Closed rezad1393 closed 5 months ago

rezad1393 commented 5 months ago

Have you checked the roadmap on the website, and existing issues, before opening a dupllcate issue? Yes

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I want to run the docker container on a 24/7 on a LAN connected client that is headless. and then use http to use webui on laptop when I need it.

Describe the solution you'd like allow assigning a non-localhost ip

Describe alternatives you've considered using proxies (like stunnel) to redirect it. works but it is dirty

update: after using stunnel I see that this webui listens at listen tcp4 which works for me but it is better to be able to separate the webui ip (like and lan ip and so on)

mgdigital commented 5 months ago

Hi, you could run the Angular app standalone with a custom environment file pointing to any address (see this file that I use for local development:, however the main server would still need to be running at an address that's accessible by your web browser, so I don't think I understand what this would achieve...

rezad1393 commented 5 months ago

I not pro enough to try that (or even understand it to use it) but because as I added to the post I can use the on lan so it is ok.