bitmagnet-io / bitmagnet

A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration.
MIT License
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Self-contained binary release? #164

Open St0RM53 opened 4 months ago

St0RM53 commented 4 months ago

Hello. This is a great project! I've been wanting such a crawler forever. While i know 2 other projects that did something similar, development was terminated and it was difficult to setup and run.

Ideally you should make some easy way so that noobs like me can just run an executable and be up and running it locally on their PC.

Kind regards

mgdigital commented 4 months ago

Hi, it's definitely the intention to provide this. There are a few technical issues to overcome first before we can build a native self-contained binary for Mac + Linux + Windows. Also it's higher priority right now to iron out usability issues - if we make it easier to install right now then less technical users are likely to have problems related to other usability issues that should be resolved first.

chrisdebian commented 4 months ago

"Make it work, then make it pretty", unlike some long established traditional vendors, that "Make it pretty, then make it work".