bitmagnet-io / bitmagnet

A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration.
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Show version info on webui #205

Closed poruta99 closed 2 months ago

poruta99 commented 2 months ago

See: #81

Fetch version info from /status endpoint and show it right after the icon on the menu bar.


poruta99 commented 2 months ago

The webui is still not built and commited, I'm not sure the build instruction in the package.json is correct. After I build the project, there some untracked files generated, and the filenames looks different. Would you mind have a look on it? Thanks. @mgdigital


mgdigital commented 2 months ago

Hey thanks for this!

I hadn't thought of making the version so prominent in the heading but I kinda like it... I was thinking to make something like a status drawer to include the version and a health check indicator, but that needs a bit more work.

One thing - I think this needs to come from the GraphQL API as we don't wanna be talking to 2 separate APIs. So we'd need to add a GraphQL query for it. Is this something you're able to look at?

To build the embedded web UI you'd need to run ng build -c embedded - you can find various useful commands for local development here: (yes the development docs could probably be improved!)

poruta99 commented 2 months ago

Hey thanks for this!

I hadn't thought of making the version so prominent in the heading but I kinda like it... I was thinking to make something like a status drawer to include the version and a health check indicator, but that needs a bit more work.

One thing - I think this needs to come from the GraphQL API as we don't wanna be talking to 2 separate APIs. So we'd need to add a GraphQL query for it. Is this something you're able to look at?

To build the embedded web UI you'd need to run ng build -c embedded - you can find various useful commands for local development here: (yes the development docs could probably be improved!)

Sure. Using 2 kinds of APIs do look kind of weird.

I would like to see if I can implement it in GraphQL and then implement the status drawer.

mgdigital commented 2 months ago

I'm thinking we can keep the version where you've put it, could we make the font size a few points smaller than the bitmagnet though?

Maybe the health indicator/drawer should be separate PR? I haven't really thought about how it needs to look, if it needs to be a drawer or maybe just like a ⚠️ icon when something is wrong...

mgdigital commented 2 months ago

Quick guide to implementing the GraphQL:

  1. Add the query in graphql/schemas (maybe under Query -> system -> version (string))
  2. Generate the boilerplate resolver with go run generate --config ./internal/gql/gqlgen.yml
  3. Implement the resolver in internal/gql/resolvers (it needs to import the version from internal/version)
  4. Add a query in graphql/queries
  5. Generate the frontend GraphQL code with npm graphql:codegen
  6. Integrate the frontend component
poruta99 commented 2 months ago

Maybe the health indicator/drawer should be separate PR?


What about the GraphQL refactoring, also comes with another PR? I didn't use GraphQL before, so I made this workaround version. : )

The font size is updated:


poruta99 commented 2 months ago

Quick guide to implementing the GraphQL:

  1. Add the query in graphql/schemas (maybe under Query -> system -> version (string))
  2. Generate the boilerplate resolver with go run generate --config ./internal/gql/gqlgen.yml
  3. Implement the resolver in internal/gql/resolvers (it needs to import the version from internal/version)
  4. Add a query in graphql/queries
  5. Generate the frontend GraphQL code with npm graphql:codegen
  6. Integrate the frontend component

Thank you for the detailed guide, should I finish the status GraphQL API refactoring in this PR?

mgdigital commented 2 months ago

Quick guide to implementing the GraphQL:

  1. Add the query in graphql/schemas (maybe under Query -> system -> version (string))
  2. Generate the boilerplate resolver with go run generate --config ./internal/gql/gqlgen.yml
  3. Implement the resolver in internal/gql/resolvers (it needs to import the version from internal/version)
  4. Add a query in graphql/queries
  5. Generate the frontend GraphQL code with npm graphql:codegen
  6. Integrate the frontend component

Thank you for the detailed guide, should I finish the status GraphQL API refactoring in this PR?

Yeah I think the version would have to come from GraphQL in this PR, as otherwise we're adding a dependency on the status endpoint.

mgdigital commented 2 months ago

I didn't use GraphQL before

If you're stuck on implementing this I can update the PR when I get to it.

poruta99 commented 2 months ago

I reworked the code, now it's using GraphQL API to fetch system status. I'm not sure the GraphQL query schema is well-defined.


mgdigital commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I think it's nearly there, have added a few comments.

That dirty in the version number is expected until we push a new version tag, it just means you have changes in your build since the last version.

I've run the CI checks that have highlighted some issues, you need to run prettier on your code and your test is failing.

poruta99 commented 2 months ago

I've pushed new commits on it. I believe the issues are fixed right now, please have a look again.

Thank you for your patient review. @mgdigital

poruta99 commented 2 months ago

Do I need to rebase this branch to keep commits less and clean?

mgdigital commented 2 months ago

Looks like it's nearly there. You need to run npx prettier --write . from the root of the project to pick up any formatting issues. Also your test is still failing on here:

Unexpected directive 'VersionComponent' imported by the module 'DynamicTestModule'. Please add an @NgModule annotation.

Do I need to rebase this branch to keep commits less and clean?

No that's fine, the PR will be squash merged.

poruta99 commented 2 months ago

Also your test is still failing on here:

That's strange, I can serve or build locally without this error.

mgdigital commented 2 months ago

Also your test is still failing on here:

That's strange, I can serve or build locally without this error.

Should the component here be under declarations rather than imports? (or the import should be the StatusModule?)

    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      imports: [VersionComponent],
mgdigital commented 2 months ago

I assume ng test must still be failing locally for you as it can't currently resolve anything for the GraphQL service?

poruta99 commented 2 months ago

I assume ng test must still be failing locally for you as it can't currently resolve anything for the GraphQL service?

Sorry, I run ng test in wsl, it prompts me that I don't have a Chrome bin available. I'm trying to fix this...

poruta99 commented 2 months ago

I assume ng test must still be failing locally for you as it can't currently resolve anything for the GraphQL service?

Sorry, I run ng test in wsl, it prompts me that I don't have a Chrome bin available. I'm trying to fix this...

ng test pass locally.


mgdigital commented 2 months ago

Thanks for this! I can suggest more stuff if you're interested in working on the web UI. One of the next things is getting Angular Routing working so we can have more than just a single page....

poruta99 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for this! I can suggest more stuff if you're interested in working on the web UI. One of the next things is getting Angular Routing working so we can have more than just a single page....

Maybe not, I am not an expert in Angular, anyway thanks for the merge and help.