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Bitnami Helm Charts
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[bitnami/mastodon] init-scripts ConfigMap not created before init job causes init job to fail container creation #20902

Open jessebot opened 7 months ago

jessebot commented 7 months ago

Name and Version


What architecture are you using?


What steps will reproduce the bug?

On the latest version of k3s using Argo CD, if you deploy the mastodon helm chart using the below values.yaml, which I'm currently doing from this a patch branch jessebot/charts:fix-init-job-extra-volumes until #20901 is merged, you'll get the following error:

MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "scripts" : configmap "mastodon-init-scripts" not found
example Argo CD ApplicationSet ```yaml --- # third sync wave because it has to be up after postgres apiVersion: kind: ApplicationSet metadata: name: mastodon-app-set namespace: argocd spec: goTemplate: true # generator allows us to source specific values from an external k8s secret generators: - plugin: configMapRef: name: secret-var-plugin-generator input: parameters: secret_vars: - global_cluster_issuer - mastodon_hostname - mastodon_s3_endpoint template: metadata: name: mastodon-web-app annotations: "3" spec: project: mastodon destination: server: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: mastodon syncPolicy: syncOptions: - ApplyOutOfSyncOnly=true automated: prune: true selfHeal: true source: repoURL: path: bitnami/mastodon/ targetRevision: fix-init-job-extra-volumes # can't be enabled till this is fixed: # repoURL: # chart: bitnamicharts/mastodon # targetRevision: 3.2.3 helm: releaseName: "mastodon" values: | ## String to fully override common.names.fullname fullnameOverride: "mastodon" # name of an existing Secret with your extra config for Mastodon extraConfigExistingSecret: "mastodon-server-credentials" ## Enable the search engine (uses Elasticsearch under the hood) enableSearches: true ## Enable the S3 storage engine enableS3: true ## Force Mastodon's S3_PROTOCOL to be https (Useful when TLS is terminated using cert-manager/Ingress) forceHttpsS3Protocol: true ## Set Mastodon's STREAMING_API_BASE_URL to use secure websocket (wss:// instead of ws://) useSecureWebSocket: true ## Set this instance to advertise itself to the fediverse using HTTPS. should always be true. local_https: true ## The domain name used by accounts on this instance. Unless you're using ## webDomain, this value should be set to the URL at which your instance is hosted localDomain: {{ .mastodon_hostname }} # adminUser: "" smtp: port: 587 ## From address for sent emails from_address: "toots@{{ .mastodon_hostname }}" ## SMTP domain domain: {{ .mastodon_hostname }} ## Reply-To value for sent emails reply_to: "noreply@{{ .mastodon_hostname }}" delivery_method: smtp ca_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ## OpenSSL verify mode, maybe this should be peer? openssl_verify_mode: none enable_starttls_auto: true tls: true auth_method: login existingSecret: "mastodon-smtp-credentials" existingSecretLoginKey: "login" existingSecretPasswordKey: "password" existingSecretServerKey: "server" ## @section Mastodon Web Parameters web: replicaCount: 1 ## Mastodon web resource requests and limits ## ref: resources: limits: {} requests: {} # Array with extra env variables to add to Mastodon web nodes extraEnvVars: - name: "PGSSLCERT" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.crt - name: "PGSSLKEY" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.key - name: "PGSSLROOTCERT" value: /etc/secrets/ca/ca.crt extraVolumes: - name: postgres-ca secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-server-ca-key-pair defaultMode: 0440 - name: postgres-client-certs secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-mastodon-cert defaultMode: 0440 extraVolumeMounts: - name: postgres-ca mountPath: /etc/secrets/ca - name: postgres-client-certs mountPath: /etc/secrets/mastodon ## @section Mastodon Sidekiq Parameters sidekiq: ## Number of Mastodon sidekiq replicas to deploy replicaCount: 1 ## Mastodon sidekiq resource requests and limits ## ref: ## The resources limits for the Mastodon sidekiq containers resources: limits: {} requests: {} extraEnvVars: - name: "PGSSLCERT" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.crt - name: "PGSSLKEY" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.key - name: "PGSSLROOTCERT" value: /etc/secrets/ca/ca.crt extraVolumes: - name: postgres-ca secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-server-ca-key-pair defaultMode: 0440 - name: postgres-client-certs secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-mastodon-cert defaultMode: 0440 extraVolumeMounts: - name: postgres-ca mountPath: /etc/secrets/ca - name: postgres-client-certs mountPath: /etc/secrets/mastodon ## @section Mastodon Streaming Parameters streaming: ## Number of Mastodon streaming replicas to deploy replicaCount: 1 ## Mastodon streaming resource requests and limits ## ref: ## The resources limits for the Mastodon streaming containers resources: limits: {} requests: {} extraEnvVars: - name: "PGSSLCERT" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.crt - name: "PGSSLKEY" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.key - name: "PGSSLROOTCERT" value: /etc/secrets/ca/ca.crt extraVolumes: - name: postgres-ca secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-server-ca-key-pair defaultMode: 0440 - name: postgres-client-certs secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-mastodon-cert defaultMode: 0440 extraVolumeMounts: - name: postgres-ca mountPath: /etc/secrets/ca - name: postgres-client-certs mountPath: /etc/secrets/mastodon ## @section Mastodon Media Management Cronjob Parameters tootctlMediaManagement: ## Enable Cronjob to manage all media caches enabled: false ## Enable removing attachements removeAttachments: true ## Number of days old media attachments must be for removal removeAttachmentsDays: 30 ## Enable removal of cached remote emoji files removeCustomEmoji: false ## Enable removal of cached preview cards removePreviewCards: false ## Number of days old preview cards must be for removal removePreviewCardsDays: 30 ## Enable removal of cached remote avatar images removeAvatars: false ## Number of days old avatar images must be for removal removeAvatarsDays: 30 ## Enable removal of cached profile header images removeHeaders: false ## Number of days old header images must be for removal removeHeadersDays: 30 ## Enable removal of cached orphan files removeOrphans: false ## Enable removal of cached avatar and header when local users are following the accounts includeFollows: false ## Cron job schedule to run tootctl media commands cronSchedule: '14 3 * * *' ## Number of failed jobs to keep failedJobsHistoryLimit: 3 ## Number of successful jobs to keep successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3 ## Concurrency Policy. Should be Allow, Forbid or Replace concurrencyPolicy: Allow ## @section Mastodon Migration job Parameters initJob: ## Execute rake assets:precompile as part of the job precompileAssets: true ## Execute rake db:migrate as part of the job migrateDB: true ## Execute rake chewy:upgrade as part of the job migrateElasticsearch: true ## Create admin user as part of the job createAdmin: true ## set backoff limit of the job backoffLimit: 10 extraEnvVars: # use ssl for db work - name: "PGSSLCERT" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.crt - name: "PGSSLKEY" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.key - name: "PGSSLROOTCERT" value: /etc/secrets/ca/ca.crt extraEnvVarsCM: "" extraEnvVarsSecret: "mastodon-admin-credentials" extraVolumes: - name: postgres-ca secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-server-ca-key-pair defaultMode: 0440 - name: postgres-client-certs secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-mastodon-cert defaultMode: 0440 extraVolumeMounts: - name: postgres-ca mountPath: /etc/secrets/ca - name: postgres-client-certs mountPath: /etc/secrets/mastodon ## Container resource requests and limits ## ref: resources: limits: {} requests: {} ## [object] Add annotations to the job annotations: post-install, pre-upgrade before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded # This should be executed after the minio provisioning job "10" ## @section Persistence Parameters (only when S3 is disabled) ## ref: persistence: enabled: false ## 'volumePermissions' init container parameters ## Changes owner/group of PV mount point to runAsUser:fsGroup values ## based on the *podSecurityContext/*containerSecurityContext parameters volumePermissions: ## OS Shell + Utility image ## ref: enabled: true ## @section External S3 parameters externalS3: host: {{ .mastodon_s3_endpoint }} port: 443 existingSecret: mastodon-s3-credentials existingSecretAccessKeyIDKey: "S3_USER" existingSecretKeySecretKey: "S3_PASSWORD" protocol: "https" bucket: "mastodon" region: "eu-west-1" ## ref: redis: enabled: true fullnameOverride: mastodon-redis ## Set Redis architecture architecture: standalone ## Name of a secret containing redis credentials existingSecret: "mastodon-redis-credentials" externalDatabase: host: mastodon-postgres-rw.mastodon.svc port: 5432 user: mastodon database: mastodon existingSecret: "mastodon-pgsql-credentials" existingSecretPasswordKey: "password" ## ref: postgresql: enabled: false ## MinIO chart installation to be used as an objstore for Mastodon # ref: minio: enabled: false ## @section Elasticsearch chart configuration ## elasticsearch: ## Whether to deploy a elasticsearch server to use as Mastodon's search engine ## To use an external server set this to false and configure the externalElasticsearch parameters enabled: true fullnameOverride: mastodon-elastic-search ## @section Apache chart configuration ## apache: ## Enable Apache chart enabled: true fullnameOverride: mastodon-apache vhostsConfigMap: "mastodon-apache-mastodon-vhost" ingress: enabled: true hostname: {{ .mastodon_hostname }} tls: true ingressClassName: nginx annotations: "{{ .global_cluster_issuer }}" # ensure that NGINX's upload size matches Mastodon's 40m ```

This is because the configMap is not deployed before that, resulting in the init job being unable to finish creating the containers, because it cannot mount the init scripts from the configMap.

Argo CD Application Screenshot ![argo example screenshot showing the init job still in a progressing state, but the init-scripts configmap not synced](

I think this is because there is no helm hook annotation to create the configMap first:

but there is some sort of init annotation on the job here, so it may start before the configMap is up:

Are you using any custom parameters or values?

I've replaced all the Argo CD ApplicationSet go-templated values with just some stock fake hostnames for ease of reading:

values.yaml ```yaml ## String to fully override common.names.fullname fullnameOverride: "mastodon" # name of an existing Secret with your extra config for Mastodon extraConfigExistingSecret: "mastodon-server-credentials" ## Enable the search engine (uses Elasticsearch under the hood) enableSearches: true ## Enable the S3 storage engine enableS3: true ## Force Mastodon's S3_PROTOCOL to be https (Useful when TLS is terminated using cert-manager/Ingress) forceHttpsS3Protocol: true ## Set Mastodon's STREAMING_API_BASE_URL to use secure websocket (wss:// instead of ws://) useSecureWebSocket: true ## Set this instance to advertise itself to the fediverse using HTTPS. should always be true. local_https: true ## The domain name used by accounts on this instance. Unless you're using ## webDomain, this value should be set to the URL at which your instance is hosted localDomain: # adminUser: "" smtp: port: 587 ## From address for sent emails from_address: "" ## SMTP domain domain: ## Reply-To value for sent emails reply_to: "" delivery_method: smtp ca_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ## OpenSSL verify mode, maybe this should be peer? openssl_verify_mode: none enable_starttls_auto: true tls: true auth_method: login existingSecret: "mastodon-smtp-credentials" existingSecretLoginKey: "login" existingSecretPasswordKey: "password" existingSecretServerKey: "server" ## @section Mastodon Web Parameters web: replicaCount: 1 ## Mastodon web resource requests and limits ## ref: resources: limits: {} requests: {} # Array with extra env variables to add to Mastodon web nodes extraEnvVars: - name: "PGSSLCERT" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.crt - name: "PGSSLKEY" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.key - name: "PGSSLROOTCERT" value: /etc/secrets/ca/ca.crt extraVolumes: - name: postgres-ca secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-server-ca-key-pair defaultMode: 0440 - name: postgres-client-certs secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-mastodon-cert defaultMode: 0440 extraVolumeMounts: - name: postgres-ca mountPath: /etc/secrets/ca - name: postgres-client-certs mountPath: /etc/secrets/mastodon ## @section Mastodon Sidekiq Parameters sidekiq: ## Number of Mastodon sidekiq replicas to deploy replicaCount: 1 ## Mastodon sidekiq resource requests and limits ## ref: ## The resources limits for the Mastodon sidekiq containers resources: limits: {} requests: {} extraEnvVars: - name: "PGSSLCERT" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.crt - name: "PGSSLKEY" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.key - name: "PGSSLROOTCERT" value: /etc/secrets/ca/ca.crt extraVolumes: - name: postgres-ca secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-server-ca-key-pair defaultMode: 0440 - name: postgres-client-certs secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-mastodon-cert defaultMode: 0440 extraVolumeMounts: - name: postgres-ca mountPath: /etc/secrets/ca - name: postgres-client-certs mountPath: /etc/secrets/mastodon ## @section Mastodon Streaming Parameters streaming: ## Number of Mastodon streaming replicas to deploy replicaCount: 1 ## Mastodon streaming resource requests and limits ## ref: ## The resources limits for the Mastodon streaming containers resources: limits: {} requests: {} extraEnvVars: - name: "PGSSLCERT" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.crt - name: "PGSSLKEY" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.key - name: "PGSSLROOTCERT" value: /etc/secrets/ca/ca.crt extraVolumes: - name: postgres-ca secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-server-ca-key-pair defaultMode: 0440 - name: postgres-client-certs secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-mastodon-cert defaultMode: 0440 extraVolumeMounts: - name: postgres-ca mountPath: /etc/secrets/ca - name: postgres-client-certs mountPath: /etc/secrets/mastodon ## @section Mastodon Media Management Cronjob Parameters tootctlMediaManagement: ## Enable Cronjob to manage all media caches enabled: false ## Enable removing attachements removeAttachments: true ## Number of days old media attachments must be for removal removeAttachmentsDays: 30 ## Enable removal of cached remote emoji files removeCustomEmoji: false ## Enable removal of cached preview cards removePreviewCards: false ## Number of days old preview cards must be for removal removePreviewCardsDays: 30 ## Enable removal of cached remote avatar images removeAvatars: false ## Number of days old avatar images must be for removal removeAvatarsDays: 30 ## Enable removal of cached profile header images removeHeaders: false ## Number of days old header images must be for removal removeHeadersDays: 30 ## Enable removal of cached orphan files removeOrphans: false ## Enable removal of cached avatar and header when local users are following the accounts includeFollows: false ## Cron job schedule to run tootctl media commands cronSchedule: '14 3 * * *' ## Number of failed jobs to keep failedJobsHistoryLimit: 3 ## Number of successful jobs to keep successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3 ## Concurrency Policy. Should be Allow, Forbid or Replace concurrencyPolicy: Allow ## @section Mastodon Migration job Parameters initJob: ## Execute rake assets:precompile as part of the job precompileAssets: true ## Execute rake db:migrate as part of the job migrateDB: true ## Execute rake chewy:upgrade as part of the job migrateElasticsearch: true ## Create admin user as part of the job createAdmin: true ## set backoff limit of the job backoffLimit: 10 extraEnvVars: # use ssl for db work - name: "PGSSLCERT" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.crt - name: "PGSSLKEY" value: /etc/secrets/mastodon/tls.key - name: "PGSSLROOTCERT" value: /etc/secrets/ca/ca.crt extraEnvVarsCM: "" extraEnvVarsSecret: "mastodon-admin-credentials" extraVolumes: - name: postgres-ca secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-server-ca-key-pair defaultMode: 0440 - name: postgres-client-certs secret: secretName: mastodon-postgres-mastodon-cert defaultMode: 0440 extraVolumeMounts: - name: postgres-ca mountPath: /etc/secrets/ca - name: postgres-client-certs mountPath: /etc/secrets/mastodon ## Container resource requests and limits ## ref: resources: limits: {} requests: {} ## [object] Add annotations to the job annotations: post-install, pre-upgrade before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded # This should be executed after the minio provisioning job "10" ## @section Persistence Parameters (only when S3 is disabled) ## ref: persistence: enabled: false ## 'volumePermissions' init container parameters ## Changes owner/group of PV mount point to runAsUser:fsGroup values ## based on the *podSecurityContext/*containerSecurityContext parameters volumePermissions: ## OS Shell + Utility image ## ref: enabled: true ## @section External S3 parameters externalS3: host: port: 443 existingSecret: mastodon-s3-credentials existingSecretAccessKeyIDKey: "S3_USER" existingSecretKeySecretKey: "S3_PASSWORD" protocol: "https" bucket: "mastodon" region: "eu-west-1" ## ref: redis: enabled: true fullnameOverride: mastodon-redis ## Set Redis architecture architecture: standalone ## Name of a secret containing redis credentials existingSecret: "mastodon-redis-credentials" externalDatabase: host: mastodon-postgres-rw.mastodon.svc port: 5432 user: mastodon database: mastodon existingSecret: "mastodon-pgsql-credentials" existingSecretPasswordKey: "password" ## ref: postgresql: enabled: false ## MinIO chart installation to be used as an objstore for Mastodon # ref: minio: enabled: false ## @section Elasticsearch chart configuration ## elasticsearch: ## Whether to deploy a elasticsearch server to use as Mastodon's search engine ## To use an external server set this to false and configure the externalElasticsearch parameters enabled: true fullnameOverride: mastodon-elastic-search ## @section Apache chart configuration ## apache: ## Enable Apache chart enabled: true fullnameOverride: mastodon-apache vhostsConfigMap: "mastodon-apache-mastodon-vhost" ingress: enabled: true hostname: tls: true ingressClassName: nginx annotations: "letsencrypt-staging" # ensure that NGINX's upload size matches Mastodon's 40m ```

What is the expected behavior?

The init-scripts ConfigMap should be created before the init-job.

What do you see instead?

MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "scripts" : configmap "mastodon-init-scripts" not found

Additional information

perhaps a pre-install helm hook annotation could fix this issue? something like:

    # This is what defines this resource as a hook. Without this line, the
    # job is considered part of the release.
    "": pre-install
    "": "-5"
    "": hook-succeeded


jessebot commented 7 months ago

perhaps a pre-install helm hook annotation could fix this issue? something like:

# This is what defines this resource as a hook. Without this line, the
# job is considered part of the release.
"": pre-install
"": "-5"
"": hook-succeeded

Tested here in init-job-config.yaml and here in default-configmap.yaml (but didn't add the delete-policy to the default-configmap.yaml) and it seems to get me past this issue.

carrodher commented 7 months ago

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We appreciate your involvement! If you're interested in contributing a solution, we welcome you to create a pull request. The Bitnami team is excited to review your submission and offer feedback. You can find the contributing guidelines here.

Your contribution will greatly benefit the community. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

This Issue has been automatically marked as "stale" because it has not had recent activity (for 15 days). It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thanks for the feedback.

jessebot commented 7 months ago

Please don't close this

CiraciNicolo commented 5 months ago

Any update on the review of the PR? This is a blocker issue, since the Helm chart is unusable.

jessebot commented 2 months ago

I haven't had time to do this PR, but if you want to, or someone else does, please feel free to go ahead on this.