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[Bitnami/Keycloak] Ingress.tls Enable TLS configuration #7734

Closed fdarif closed 2 years ago

fdarif commented 2 years ago

Keycloak: The keycloak (and keycloak-5.0.7) of the affected chart

Describe the bug After enabling tls option for keycloak and using certManager to automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates.

The Keycloak Admin Console is not accessible, because the following HTTP request fails.

I think this request should be done with HTTPS instead of HTTP.


Expected behavior I think this request should be done with HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Version of Helm and Kubernetes:

$ helm version --short

$ kubectl version --short Client Version: v1.21.1 Server Version: v1.21.0

juan131 commented 2 years ago

Hi @fayssaldarif

I'd like to reproduce the exact issue you're facing on my own environment. Could you please share the exact values you're using to install Keycloak? Could you also confirm if your certManager server did issue a valid certificate for your Keycloak endpoint (via Ingress)?

fdarif commented 2 years ago

Hi @juan131 Yes, I confirm that certManager did issue a valid certificate for my keycloak endpoint.

NAME                           READY   SECRET                         AGE   True   20s

Here you can find the values yaml file.

## Global Docker image parameters
## Please, note that this will override the image parameters, including dependencies, configured to use the global value
## Current available global Docker image parameters: imageRegistry, imagePullSecrets and storageClass

## @param global.imageRegistry Global Docker image registry
## @param global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array
## @param global.storageClass Global StorageClass for Persistent Volume(s)
  imageRegistry: ""
  ## E.g.
  ## imagePullSecrets:
  ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
  imagePullSecrets: []
  storageClass: ""

## @section Common parameters

## @param kubeVersion Force target Kubernetes version (using Helm capabilities if not set)
kubeVersion: "1.21.0"
## @param nameOverride String to partially override keycloak.fullname
nameOverride: ""
## @param fullnameOverride String to fully override keycloak.fullname
fullnameOverride: ""
## @param hostAliases Add deployment host aliases
hostAliases: []
## @param commonLabels Labels to add to all deployed objects
commonLabels: {}
## @param commonAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed objects
commonAnnotations: {}
## @param clusterDomain Default Kubernetes cluster domain
clusterDomain: cluster.local
## @param extraDeploy Array of extra objects to deploy with the release
extraDeploy: []

## @section Keycloak parameters

## Bitnami Keycloak image version
## ref:
## @param image.registry Keycloak image registry
## @param image.repository Keycloak image repository
## @param image.tag Keycloak image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
## @param image.pullPolicy Keycloak image pull policy
## @param image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array
## @param image.debug Specify if debug logs should be enabled
  repository: bitnami/keycloak
  tag: 15.0.2-debian-10-r19
  ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
  ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
  ## ref:
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
  ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
  ## ref:
  ## Example:
  ## pullSecrets:
  ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
  pullSecrets: []
  ## Set to true if you would like to see extra information on logs
  debug: false
## Keycloak authentication parameters
## ref:
  ## @param auth.createAdminUser Create administrator user on boot
  createAdminUser: true
  ## @param auth.adminUser Keycloak administrator user
  adminUser: keycloak
  ## @param auth.adminPassword Keycloak administrator password for the new user
  adminPassword: ""
  ## @param auth.managementUser Wildfly management user
  managementUser: manager
  ## @param auth.managementPassword Wildfly management password
  managementPassword: ""
  ## @param auth.existingSecret An already existing secret containing auth info
  ## e.g:
  ## existingSecret:
  ##   name: mySecret
  ##   keyMapping:
  ##     admin-password: myPasswordKey
  ##     management-password: myManagementPasswordKey
  ##     database-password: myDatabasePasswordKey
  ##     tls-keystore-password: myTlsKeystorePasswordKey
  ##     tls-truestore-password: myTlsTruestorePasswordKey
  existingSecret: ""
  ## @param auth.existingSecretPerPassword Override `existingSecret` and other secret values
  ## e.g:
  ## existingSecretPerPassword:
  ##   keyMapping:
  ##     adminPassword: KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD
  ##     managementPassword: KEYCLOAK_MANAGEMENT_PASSWORD
  ##     databasePassword: password
  ##     tlsKeystorePassword: JKS_KEYSTORE_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD
  ##     tlsTruststorePassword: JKS_KEYSTORE_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD
  ##   adminPassword:
  ##     name: keycloak-test2.credentials ## release-name
  ##   managementPassword:
  ##     name: keycloak-test2.credentials
  ##   databasePassword:
  ##     name: keycloak.pocwatt-keycloak-cluster.credentials
  ##   tlsKeystorePassword:
  ##     name: keycloak-test2.credentials
  ##   tlsTruststorePassword:
  ##     name: keycloak-test2.credentials
  existingSecretPerPassword: {}
  ## TLS encryption parameters
  ## ref:
    ## @param auth.tls.enabled Enable TLS encryption
    enabled: false
    ## @param auth.tls.autoGenerated Generate automatically self-signed TLS certificates. Currently only supports PEM certificates
    autoGenerated: false
    ## @param auth.tls.existingSecret Existing secret containing the TLS certificates per Keycloak replica
    ## Create this secret following the steps below:
    ## 1) Generate your trustore and keystore files (more info at
    ## 2) Rename your truststore to `keycloak.truststore.jks`.
    ## 3) Rename your keystores to `keycloak-X.keystore.jks` where X is the ID of each Keycloak replica
    ## 4) Run the command below where SECRET_NAME is the name of the secret you want to create:
    ##       kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME --from-file=./keycloak.truststore.jks --from-file=./keycloak-0.keystore.jks --from-file=./keycloak-1.keystore.jks ...
    existingSecret: ""
    ## @param auth.tls.truststoreFilename Truststore specific filename inside the existing secret
    ## Note: Setting up this value, you will use the same trustore file in all the replicas
    truststoreFilename: ""
    ## @param auth.tls.keystoreFilename Keystore specific filename inside the existing secret
    ## Note: Setting up this value, you will use the same trustore file in all the replicas
    keystoreFilename: ""
    ## @param auth.tls.jksSecret DEPRECATED. Use `auth.tls.existingSecret` instead
    jksSecret: ""
    ## @param auth.tls.keystorePassword Password to access the keystore when it's password-protected
    keystorePassword: ""
    ## @param auth.tls.truststorePassword Password to access the truststore when it's password-protected
    truststorePassword: ""
    ## Init containers' resource requests and limits
    ## ref:
    ## We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
    ## choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
    ## resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
    ## lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
    ## @param auth.tls.resources.limits The resources limits for the TLS init container
    ## @param auth.tls.resources.requests The requested resources for the TLS init container
      ## Example:
      ## limits:
      ##    cpu: 100m
      ##    memory: 128Mi
      limits: {}
      ## Examples:
      ## requests:
      ##    cpu: 100m
      ##    memory: 128Mi
      requests: {}
## @param proxyAddressForwarding Enable Proxy Address Forwarding
## ref:
proxyAddressForwarding: false
## Keycloak Service Discovery settings
## ref:
  ## @param serviceDiscovery.enabled Enable Service Discovery for Keycloak (required if `replicaCount` > `1`)
  enabled: false
  ## @param serviceDiscovery.protocol Sets the protocol that Keycloak nodes would use to discover new peers
  ## Available protocols can be found at
  protocol: kubernetes.KUBE_PING
  ## @param Properties for the discovery protocol set in `serviceDiscovery.protocol` parameter
  ## List of key=>value pairs
  ## Example:
  ## properties:
  ##   - datasource_jndi_name=>"java:jboss/datasources/KeycloakDS"
  ##   - initialize_sql=>"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS JGROUPSPING ( own_addr varchar(200) NOT NULL, cluster_name varchar(200) NOT NULL, created timestamp default current_timestamp, ping_data BYTEA, constraint PK_JGROUPSPING PRIMARY KEY (own_addr, cluster_name))"
  properties: []
  ## @param serviceDiscovery.transportStack Transport stack for the discovery protocol set in `serviceDiscovery.protocol` parameter
  transportStack: tcp
## Keycloak cache settings
## ref:
  ## @param cache.ownersCount Number of nodes that will replicate cached data
  ownersCount: 1
  ## @param cache.authOwnersCount Number of nodes that will replicate cached authentication data
  authOwnersCount: 1
## @param configuration Keycloak Configuration. Auto-generated based on other parameters when not specified
## Specify content for standalone-ha.xml
## NOTE: This will override configuring Keycloak based on environment variables (including those set by the chart)
## The standalone-ha.xml is auto-generated based on other parameters when this parameter is not specified
## Example:
## configuration: |-
##    foo: bar
##    baz:
configuration: ""
## @param existingConfigmap Name of existing ConfigMap with Keycloak configuration
## NOTE: When it's set the configuration parameter is ignored
existingConfigmap: ""
## @param extraStartupArgs Extra default startup args
extraStartupArgs: ""
## @param initdbScripts Dictionary of initdb scripts
## Specify dictionary of scripts to be run at first boot
## ref:
## Example:
## initdbScripts:
## |
##      #!/bin/bash
##      echo "Do something."
initdbScripts: {}
## @param initdbScriptsConfigMap ConfigMap with the initdb scripts (Note: Overrides `initdbScripts`)
initdbScriptsConfigMap: ""
## @param command Override default container command (useful when using custom images)
command: []
## @param args Override default container args (useful when using custom images)
args: []
## @param extraEnvVars Extra environment variables to be set on Keycloak container
## Example:
## extraEnvVars:
##   - name: FOO
##     value: "bar"
extraEnvVars: []
## @param extraEnvVarsCM Name of existing ConfigMap containing extra env vars
extraEnvVarsCM: ""
## @param extraEnvVarsSecret Name of existing Secret containing extra env vars
extraEnvVarsSecret: ""

## @section keycloak-config-cli parameters

## Configuration for keycloak-config-cli
## ref:
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.enabled Whether to enable keycloak-config-cli
  enabled: false
  ## Bitnami keycloak-config-cli image
  ## ref:
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.image.registry keycloak-config-cli container image registry
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.image.repository keycloak-config-cli container image repository
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.image.tag keycloak-config-cli container image tag
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.image.pullPolicy keycloak-config-cli container image pull policy
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.image.pullSecrets keycloak-config-cli container image pull secrets
    repository: bitnami/keycloak-config-cli
    tag: 4.2.0-debian-10-r29
    ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
    ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
    ## ref:
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
    ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
    ## ref:
    ## e.g:
    ## pullSecrets:
    ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
    pullSecrets: []
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.annotations [objects] Annotations for keycloak-config-cli job
  ## ref:
  annotations: "post-install,post-upgrade,post-rollback" "hook-succeeded,before-hook-creation" "5"
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.command Command for running the container (set to default if not set). Use array form
  command: []
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.args Args for running the container (set to default if not set). Use array form
  args: []
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.hostAliases Job pod host aliases
  hostAliases: []
  ## Keycloak config CLI resource requests and limits
  ## ref:
  ## We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
  ## choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
  ## resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
  ## lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.resources.limits The resources limits for the keycloak-config-cli container
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.resources.requests The requested resources for the keycloak-config-cli container
    ## Example:
    ## limits:
    ##    cpu: 200m
    ##    memory: 256Mi
    limits: {}
    ## Examples:
    ## requests:
    ##    cpu: 200m
    ##    memory: 10Mi
    requests: {}
  ## keycloak-config-cli containers' Security Context
  ## ref:
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enabled keycloak-config-cli containers' Security Context
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set keycloak-config-cli container's Security Context runAsUser
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Set keycloak-config-cli container's Security Context runAsNonRoot
    enabled: true
    runAsUser: 1002
    runAsNonRoot: true
  ## keycloak-config-cli pods' Security Context
  ## ref:
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.podSecurityContext.enabled Enabled keycloak-config-cli pods' Security Context
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set keycloak-config-cli pod's Security Context fsGroup
    enabled: true
    fsGroup: 1002
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.backoffLimit Number of retries before considering a Job as failed
  ## ref:
  backoffLimit: 1
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.podLabels Pod extra labels
  ## ref:
  podLabels: {}
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.podAnnotations Annotations for job pod
  ## ref:
  podAnnotations: {}
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.extraEnvVars Additional environment variables to set
  ## Example:
  ## extraEnvVars:
  ##   - name: FOO
  ##     value: "bar"
  extraEnvVars: []
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.extraEnvVarsCM ConfigMap with extra environment variables
  extraEnvVarsCM: ""
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.extraEnvVarsSecret Secret with extra environment variables
  extraEnvVarsSecret: ""
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.extraVolumes Extra volumes to add to the job
  extraVolumes: []
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.extraVolumeMounts Extra volume mounts to add to the container
  extraVolumeMounts: []
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.configuration keycloak-config-cli realms configuration
  ## NOTE: nil keys will be considered files to import locally
  ## Example:
  ## configuration:
  ##   realm1.json: |
  ##     {
  ##       "realm": "realm1",
  ##       "clients": []
  ##     }
  ##   files/realm2.yaml:
  ##   realm3.yaml: |
  ##     realm: realm3
  ##     clients: []
  configuration: {}
  ## @param keycloakConfigCli.existingConfigmap ConfigMap with keycloak-config-cli configuration. This will override `keycloakConfigCli.config`
  ## NOTE: This will override keycloakConfigCli.configuration
  existingConfigmap: ""

## @section Keycloak deployment/statefulset parameters

## @param replicaCount Number of Keycloak replicas to deploy
replicaCount: 1
## @param containerPorts [object] Keycloak container ports to open
  http: 8080
  https: 8443
## Keycloak containers' SecurityContext
## ref:
## @param podSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Keykloak pods' Security Context
## @param podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set Keykloak pod's Security Context fsGroup
  enabled: true
  fsGroup: 1002
## Keycloak pods' Security Context
## ref:
## @param containerSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Keykloak containers' Security Context
## @param containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Keykloak container's Security Context runAsUser
## @param containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Set Keykloak container's Security Context runAsNonRoot
  enabled: true
  runAsUser: 1002
  runAsNonRoot: true
## Keycloak resource requests and limits
## ref:
## We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
## choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
## resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
## lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
## @param resources.limits The resources limits for the Keycloak container
## @param resources.requests The requested resources for the Keycloak container
    ## Example:
        cpu: 1.5
        memory: 1536Mi
    #limits: {}
    ## Examples:
        cpu: 250m
        memory: 256Mi
## Configure extra options for startup probe
## When enabling this, make sure to set initialDelaySeconds to 0 for livenessProbe and readinessProbe
## ref:
## @param startupProbe.enabled Enable startupProbe
## @param startupProbe.httpGet.path Request path for startupProbe
## @param startupProbe.httpGet.port Port for startupProbe
## @param startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for startupProbe
## @param startupProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for startupProbe
## @param startupProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for startupProbe
## @param startupProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for startupProbe
## @param startupProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for startupProbe
  enabled: false
    path: /auth/
    port: http
  initialDelaySeconds: 30
  periodSeconds: 5
  timeoutSeconds: 1
  failureThreshold: 60
  successThreshold: 1
## Configure extra options for liveness probe
## ref:
## @param livenessProbe.enabled Enable livenessProbe
## @param livenessProbe.httpGet.path Request path for livenessProbe
## @param livenessProbe.httpGet.port Port for livenessProbe
## @param livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe
## @param livenessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for livenessProbe
## @param livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for livenessProbe
## @param livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for livenessProbe
## @param livenessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for livenessProbe
  enabled: true
    path: /auth/
    port: http
  initialDelaySeconds: 300
  periodSeconds: 1
  timeoutSeconds: 5
  failureThreshold: 3
  successThreshold: 1
## Configure extra options for readiness probe
## ref:
## @param readinessProbe.enabled Enable readinessProbe
## @param readinessProbe.httpGet.path Request path for readinessProbe
## @param readinessProbe.httpGet.port Port for readinessProbe
## @param readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe
## @param readinessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for readinessProbe
## @param readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for readinessProbe
## @param readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readinessProbe
## @param readinessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for readinessProbe
  enabled: true
    path: /auth/realms/master
    port: http
  initialDelaySeconds: 30
  periodSeconds: 10
  timeoutSeconds: 1
  failureThreshold: 3
  successThreshold: 1
## @param customStartupProbe Custom Startup probes for Keycloak
customStartupProbe: {}
## @param customLivenessProbe Custom Liveness probes for Keycloak
customLivenessProbe: {}
## @param customReadinessProbe Custom Rediness probes Keycloak
customReadinessProbe: {}
## Strategy to use to update Pods
  ## @param updateStrategy.type StrategyType
  ## Can be set to RollingUpdate or OnDelete
  type: RollingUpdate
## @param podAffinityPreset Pod affinity preset. Ignored if `affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard`
## ref:
podAffinityPreset: ""
## @param podAntiAffinityPreset Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if `affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard`
## Ref:
podAntiAffinityPreset: soft
## Node affinity preset
## Ref:
  ## @param nodeAffinityPreset.type Node affinity preset type. Ignored if `affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard`
  type: ""
  ## @param nodeAffinityPreset.key Node label key to match. Ignored if `affinity` is set.
  ## E.g.
  ## key: ""
  key: ""
  ## @param nodeAffinityPreset.values Node label values to match. Ignored if `affinity` is set.
  ## E.g.
  ## values:
  ##   - e2e-az1
  ##   - e2e-az2
  values: []
## @param affinity Affinity for pod assignment
## Ref:
affinity: {}
## @param nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment
## ref:
nodeSelector: {}
## @param tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment
## ref:
tolerations: []
## @param podLabels Extra labels for Keycloak pods
## ref:
podLabels: {}
## @param podAnnotations Annotations for Keycloak pods
## ref:
podAnnotations: {}
## @param priorityClassName Keycloak pods' priority.
## ref:
priorityClassName: ""
## @param lifecycleHooks LifecycleHooks to set additional configuration at startup
lifecycleHooks: {}
## @param extraVolumes Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for Keycloak pods
extraVolumes: []
## @param extraVolumeMounts Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for Keycloak container(s)
extraVolumeMounts: []
## @param initContainers Add additional init containers to the Keycloak pods
## Example:
## initContainers:
##   - name: your-image-name
##     image: your-image
##     imagePullPolicy: Always
##     ports:
##       - name: portname
##         containerPort: 1234
initContainers: []
## @param sidecars Add additional sidecar containers to the Keycloak pods
## Example:
## sidecars:
##   - name: your-image-name
##     image: your-image
##     imagePullPolicy: Always
##     ports:
##       - name: portname
##         containerPort: 1234
sidecars: []

## @section Exposure parameters

## Service configuration
  ## @param service.type Kubernetes service type
  #type: LoadBalancer
  type: ClusterIP
  ## @param service.port Service HTTP port
  port: 80
  ## @param service.httpsPort HTTPS Port
  httpsPort: 443
  ## @param service.nodePorts [object] Specify the nodePort values for the LoadBalancer and NodePort service types.
  ## ref:
    http: ""
    https: ""
  ## @param service.clusterIP Keycloak service clusterIP IP
  ## e.g:
  ## clusterIP: None
  clusterIP: ""
  ## @param service.loadBalancerIP loadBalancerIP for the SuiteCRM Service (optional, cloud specific)
  ## ref:
  loadBalancerIP: ""
  ## @param service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Address that are allowed when service is LoadBalancer
  ## Example:
  ## loadBalancerSourceRanges:
  ##   -
  loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
  ## @param service.externalTrafficPolicy Enable client source IP preservation
  ## ref
  externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
  ## @param service.annotations Annotations for Keycloak service
  annotations: {}
## Ingress configuration
  ## @param ingress.enabled Enable ingress controller resource
  enabled: true
  ## @param ingress.certManager Add annotations for cert-manager
  certManager: true
  ## @param ingress.hostname Default host for the ingress resource
  ## @param ingress.apiVersion Force Ingress API version (automatically detected if not set)
  apiVersion: ""
  ## @param ingress.ingressClassName IngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+)
  ## This is supported in Kubernetes 1.18+ and required if you have more than one IngressClass marked as the default for your cluster
  ## ref:
  ingressClassName: ""
  ## @param ingress.path Ingress path
  path: /
  ## @param ingress.pathType Ingress path type
  pathType: ImplementationSpecific
  #pathType: Prefix
  ## @param ingress.annotations Ingress annotations
  ## For a full list of possible ingress annotations, please see
  ## ref:
  ## If certManager is set to true, annotation "true" will automatically be set
  annotations: http01 letsencrypt-prod nginx

  ## @param ingress.tls Enable TLS configuration for the hostname defined at `ingress.hostname` parameter
  ## TLS certificates will be retrieved from a TLS secret with name: {{- printf "%s-tls" .Values.ingress.hostname }}
  ## You can use the ingress.secrets parameter to create this TLS secret, relay on cert-manager to create it, or
  ## let the chart create self-signed certificates for you
  tls: true
  ## @param ingress.extraHosts The list of additional hostnames to be covered with this ingress record.
  ## Most likely the hostname above will be enough, but in the event more hosts are needed, this is an array
  ## Example:
  ## extraHosts:
  ##   - name: keycloak.local
  ##     path: /
  extraHosts: []
  ## @param ingress.extraTls The tls configuration for additional hostnames to be covered with this ingress record.
  ## see:
  ## Example:
  ## extraTls:
  ## - hosts:
  ##     - keycloak.local
  ##   secretName: keycloak.local-tls
  extraTls: []
  ## @param ingress.secrets If you're providing your own certificates, please use this to add the certificates as secrets
  ## key and certificate should start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- or -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  ## name should line up with a secretName set further up
  ## If it is not set and you're using cert-manager, this is unneeded, as it will create the secret for you
  ## If it is not set and you're NOT using cert-manager either, self-signed certificates will be created
  ## It is also possible to create and manage the certificates outside of this helm chart
  ## Please see for more information
  ## Example
  ## secrets:
  ##   - name: aspnet-core.local-tls
  ##     key: ""
  ##     certificate: ""
  secrets: []
  ## @param ingress.existingSecret It is you own the certificate as secret.
  existingSecret: ""
  ## @param ingress.servicePort Service port to be used
  ## Default is http. Alternative is https.
  servicePort: http
## Network Policy configuration
## ref:
  ## @param networkPolicy.enabled Enable the default NetworkPolicy policy
  enabled: false
  ## @param networkPolicy.allowExternal Don't require client label for connections
  ## The Policy model to apply. When set to false, only pods with the correct
  ## client label will have network access to the ports Keycloak is listening
  ## on. When true, Keycloak will accept connections from any source
  ## (with the correct destination port).
  allowExternal: true
  ## @param networkPolicy.additionalRules Additional NetworkPolicy rules
  ## Note that all rules are OR-ed.
  ## Example:
  ## additionalRules:
  ##   - matchLabels:
  ##       - role: frontend
  ##   - matchExpressions:
  ##       - key: role
  ##         operator: In
  ##         values:
  ##           - frontend
  additionalRules: {}

## @section RBAC parameters

## Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created
  ## @param serviceAccount.create Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for Keycloak pods
  create: true
  ## @param Name of the created ServiceAccount
  ## If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
  name: ""
## Specifies whether RBAC resources should be created
  ## @param rbac.create Whether to create and use RBAC resources or not
  create: false
  ## @param rbac.rules Custom RBAC rules
  ## Example:
  ## rules:
  ##   - apiGroups:
  ##       - ""
  ##     resources:
  ##       - pods
  ##     verbs:
  ##       - get
  ##       - list
  rules: []

## @section Other parameters

## Keycloak Pod Disruption Budget configuration
## ref:
  ## @param pdb.create Enable/disable a Pod Disruption Budget creation
  create: false
  ## @param pdb.minAvailable Minimum number/percentage of pods that should remain scheduled
  minAvailable: 1
  ## @param pdb.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of pods that may be made unavailable
  maxUnavailable: ""
## Keycloak Autoscaling configuration
## @param autoscaling.enabled Enable autoscaling for Keycloak
## @param autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of Keycloak replicas
## @param autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of Keycloak replicas
## @param autoscaling.targetCPU Target CPU utilization percentage
## @param autoscaling.targetMemory Target Memory utilization percentage
  enabled: false
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 11
  targetCPU: ""
  targetMemory: ""

## @section Metrics parameters

## Metrics configuration
  ## @param metrics.enabled Enable exposing Keycloak statistics
  ## ref:
  enabled: true
  ## Keycloak metrics service parameters
    ## @param metrics.service.port Service HTTP management port
    port: 9990
    ## @param metrics.service.annotations [object] Annotations for enabling prometheus to access the metrics endpoints
    annotations: "true" "{{ .Values.metrics.service.port }}"
  ## Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor configuration
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Create ServiceMonitor Resource for scraping metrics using PrometheusOperator
    enabled: true
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace Namespace which Prometheus is running in
    namespace: "monitoring"
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.interval Interval at which metrics should be scraped
    interval: 30s
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Specify the timeout after which the scrape is ended
    ## e.g:
    ##   scrapeTimeout: 30s
    scrapeTimeout: 10s
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.relabellings Specify Metric Relabellings to add to the scrape endpoint
    relabellings: []
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.honorLabels honorLabels chooses the metric's labels on collisions with target labels
    honorLabels: false
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Used to pass Labels that are required by the installed Prometheus Operator
    ## ref:
    additionalLabels: {}

## @section Database parameters

## PostgreSQL chart configuration
## ref:
  ## @param postgresql.enabled Deploy a PostgreSQL server to satisfy the applications database requirements
  enabled: false
  ## @param postgresql.postgresqlUsername Keycloak PostgreSQL user (has superuser privileges if username is `postgres`)
  ## ref:
  postgresqlUsername: keycloak

  ## @param postgresql.postgresqlPassword Keycloak PostgreSQL password - ignored if existingSecret is provided
  ## Defaults to a random 10-character alphanumeric string if not set
  ## ref:
  postgresqlPassword: "keycloak"
  ## @param postgresql.postgresqlDatabase Name of the database to create
  ## ref:
  postgresqlDatabase: keycloak
  ## @param postgresql.existingSecret Use an existing secret file with the PostgreSQL password
  existingSecret: ""
  ## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims
  ## ref:

  ## K8s Security Context
  ## @param postgresql.securityContext.enabled Enable security context for PostgreSQL with Repmgr
  ## @param postgresql.securityContext.fsGroup Group ID for the PostgreSQL with Repmgr filesystem
    enabled: true
    fsGroup: 1002

  ## Container Security Context
  ## @param postgresql.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enable container security context
  ## @param postgresql.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser User ID for the PostgreSQL with Repmgr container
    enabled: true
    runAsUser: 1002

    ## Example:
        cpu: 1.5
        memory: 1536Mi
    #limits: {}
    ## Examples:
        cpu: 250m
        memory: 256Mi

    ## @param postgresql.audit.logHostname Add client hostnames to the log file
    logHostname: true
    ## @param postgresql.audit.logConnections Add client log-in operations to the log file
    logConnections: false
    ## @param postgresql.audit.logDisconnections Add client log-outs operations to the log file
    logDisconnections: false
    ## @param postgresql.audit.pgAuditLog Add operations to log using the pgAudit extension
    pgAuditLog: ""
    ## @param postgresql.audit.pgAuditLogCatalog Log catalog using pgAudit
    pgAuditLogCatalog: "off"
    ## @param postgresql.audit.clientMinMessages Message log level to share with the user
    clientMinMessages: error
    ## @param postgresql.audit.logLinePrefix Template string for the log line prefix
    logLinePrefix: ""
    ## @param postgresql.audit.logTimezone Timezone for the log timestamps
    logTimezone: "Europe/Paris"

    ## @param postgresql.persistence.enabled Enable PostgreSQL persistence using PVC
    enabled: true

    ## @param persistence.storageClass Persistent Volume Storage Class
    ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>
    ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
    ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is
    ## set, choosing the default provisioner.
    storageClass: "local-path"

    ## @param persistence.mountPath The path the volume will be mounted at, useful when using different PostgreSQL images.
    mountPath: /opt/postgresql/demo

    ## @param persistence.size Persistent Volume Claim size
    size: 40Gi

## External database configuration
  ## @param Host of the external database
  host: "postgresql-ha-pgpool.demo.svc.cluster.local"
  ## @param externalDatabase.port Database port
  port: 5432
  ## @param externalDatabase.user non admin username for Keycloak Database
  user: myuser
  ## @param externalDatabase.password Database password
  password: "myupassword"
  ## @param externalDatabase.database Database name
  database: mydatabase
  ## @param externalDatabase.existingSecret Use an existing secret file with the external PostgreSQL credentials
  existingSecret: ""```
juan131 commented 2 years ago

Hi @fayssaldarif

Please correct me if I'm wrong but these are the values that you actually did change:

  adminUser: keycloak
    cpu: 1.5
    memory: 1536Mi
    cpu: 250m
    memory: 256Mi
  type: ClusterIP
  enabled: true
  certManager: true
  annotations: http01 letsencrypt-prod nginx
  tls: true
  enabled: true
    enabled: true
  host: "postgresql-ha-pgpool.demo.svc.cluster.local"
  user: myuser
  password: "myupassword"
  database: mydatabase
  existingSecret: ""

I was able to reproduce the issue... Obtaining a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error in the browser due to constants redirections from https to http, and viceversa:

$ curl -LI
HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 07:52:31 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 164
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP/2 303
date: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 07:52:31 GMT
content-length: 0
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains
x-content-type-options: nosniff
referrer-policy: no-referrer

I could fix it by setting proxyAddressForwarding to true, find more info below:

fdarif commented 2 years ago

Thanks @juan131

juan131 commented 2 years ago

I proceed to close the issue, feel free to reopen it if you require further assistance.