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[redmine]The status of bitnami.service in Bitnami for Redmine is FAILED. #1367

Closed kougo-minami closed 4 months ago

kougo-minami commented 7 months ago



bndiagnostic ID know more about bndiagnostic ID

Automatic upload to Bitnami servers failed.

bndiagnostic output

===== Begin of bndiagnostic tool output =====

? Connectivity: Found possible issues
? Resources: No issues found
? Apache: Found possible issues
? Mariadb: No issues found
? Processes: No issues found


Server ports 22, 80 and/or 443 are not publicly accessible. Please check the following guide to open server ports for remote access:


Found recent error or warning messages in the Apache error log.

Press [Enter] to continue:
[ E 2024-01-17 10:03:30.1125 747/T1 age/Cor/TelemetryCollector.h:454 ]: Error
contacting anonymous telemetry server: Could not resolve host:
 [ E 2024-01-18 01:36:35.7177 725/T1 age/Cor/TelemetryCollector.h:454 ]: Error
contacting anonymous telemetry server: OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in
connection to
 [ E 2024-01-18 01:36:37.8055 752/T5 age/Cor/SecurityUpdateChecker.h:506 ]:
Security update check failed: SSL connect error while connecting to (if this error persists
check your connection security or try upgrading Passenger) (next check in 24

Please check the following guide to troubleshoot server issues: rs-apache/

===== End of bndiagnostic tool output =====

bndiagnostic was not useful. Could you please tell us why?

Automatic upload to Bitnami servers failed.

Describe your issue as much as you can

We built a bitnami server with "bitnami package for redmine -x64 Gen1" on Azure. When accessed with a browser in the initial construction state, the login screen is displayed without any problem, but when "systemctl status bitnami.service" is executed, the status of bitnami.service is failed. Is it okay for bitnami.service to be in the failed state? If there is a problem, please let me know how to solve it.

Here are some of the things I tried to activate the status.

・Run "sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart"  →The following error is returned:   Job for bitnami.service failed because the control process exited with error code.   See "systemctl status bitnami.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

・The result of "systemctl status bitnami.service" is as follows.

● bitnami.service - LSB: bitnami init script
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/bitnami; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2024-01-17 05:48:49 UTC; 3h 35min ago
    Process: 9173 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/bitnami start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
      Tasks: 942 (limit: 4696)
     Memory: 600.2M
        CPU: 41.891s
     CGroup: /system.slice/bitnami.service
             tq 740 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq 744 Passenger watchdog
             tq 747 Passenger core
             tq 764 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq 765 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq 766 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq 772 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq1293 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq1427 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq1428 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq1753 svnserve -d --listen-host= --listen-port=3690 --pid-file=/opt/bitnami/subversion/tmp/ --log-file=/opt/bitnami/subvers>
             tq1765 /opt/bitnami/mariadb/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/conf/my.cnf --basedir=/opt/bitnami/mariadb --datadir=/bitnami/mari>
             mq1907 Passenger RubyApp: /opt/bitnami/redmine (production)

bitnami.service: Unit process 766 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 772 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1293 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1427 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1428 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1753 (svnserve) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1765 (mysqld) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1907 (ruby) remains running after unit stopped.
Failed to start LSB: bitnami init script.
bitnami.service: Consumed 1.510s CPU time.

・The result of "journalctl -xe" is as follows.

waagent[1875]: 2024-01-17T08:37:57.443431Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler [HEARTBEAT] Agent WALinuxAgent- is running as the>
CRON[14679]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user AzureAdmin(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
CRON[14680]: (AzureAdmin) CMD (cd /opt/bitnami/stats && ./agent.bin --run -D)
CRON[14679]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user AzureAdmin
waagent[1875]: 2024-01-17T09:07:46.709286Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler No requested version specified, checking for all version>
waagent[1875]: 2024-01-17T09:07:46.709460Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Downloading manifest
waagent[1875]: 2024-01-17T09:07:58.879201Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler [HEARTBEAT] Agent WALinuxAgent- is running as the>
chronyd[614]: Source replaced with (
CRON[15324]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0)
CRON[15325]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
CRON[15324]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root


W, [2024-01-11T02:03:27.122280 #1691]  WARN -- : Creating scope :system. Overwriting existing method Enumeration.system.
W, [2024-01-11T02:03:27.647032 #1691]  WARN -- : Creating scope :sorted. Overwriting existing method User.sorted.
W, [2024-01-11T02:03:27.837927 #1691]  WARN -- : Creating scope :sorted. Overwriting existing method Group.sorted.


[ N 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3373 4344/T8 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:670 ]: Signal received. Gracefully shutting down... (send signal 2 more time(s) to force shutdown)
[ N 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3428 4344/T1 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:1245 ]: Received command to shutdown gracefully. Waiting until all clients have disconnected...
[ N 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3428 4344/T1 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:1146 ]: Checking whether to disconnect long-running connections for process 5349, application /opt/bitnami/redmine (production)
[ N 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3431 4344/Ta Ser/Server.h:901 ]: [ServerThr.2] Freed 0 spare client objects
[ N 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3431 4344/Ta Ser/Server.h:558 ]: [ServerThr.2] Shutdown finished
[ N 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3432 4344/T8 Ser/Server.h:901 ]: [ServerThr.1] Freed 0 spare client objects
[ N 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3432 4344/T8 Ser/Server.h:558 ]: [ServerThr.1] Shutdown finished
[ N 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3458 4344/Td Ser/Server.h:901 ]: [ApiServer] Freed 0 spare client objects
[ N 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3458 4344/Td Ser/Server.h:558 ]: [ApiServer] Shutdown finished
App 5349 output: [ 2024-01-10 06:13:05.3664 5349/0x000055d03e288958(Worker 1) utils.rb ]: *** Exception IOError (stream closed in another thread) (process 5349, thread 0x000055d03e288958(Worker 1)):
App 5349 output:        from /opt/bitnami/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/passenger-6.0.19/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb:133:in `accept'
App 5349 output:        from /opt/bitnami/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/passenger-6.0.19/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb:133:in `accept_and_process_next_request'
App 5349 output:        from /opt/bitnami/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/passenger-6.0.19/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb:110:in `main_loop'
App 5349 output:        from /opt/bitnami/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/passenger-6.0.19/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/request_handler.rb:419:in `block (3 levels) in start_threads'
App 5349 output:        from /opt/bitnami/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/passenger-6.0.19/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:113:in `block in create_thread_and_abort_on_exception'
[Wed Jan 10 06:13:05.637611 2024] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 4337:tid 140074364820736] AH00491: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[ N 2024-01-10 06:15:42.1553 704/T1 age/Wat/WatchdogMain.cpp:1377 ]: Starting Passenger watchdog...
[ N 2024-01-10 06:15:42.2633 707/T1 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:1340 ]: Starting Passenger core...
[ N 2024-01-10 06:15:42.2725 707/T1 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:256 ]: Passenger core running in multi-application mode.
[ N 2024-01-10 06:15:42.3318 707/T1 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:1015 ]: Passenger core online, PID 707
gongomgra commented 7 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

According to the logs you shared, it looks like the services are not properly stopped.

bitnami.service: Unit process 766 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 772 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1293 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1427 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1428 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1753 (svnserve) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1765 (mysqld) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 1907 (ruby) remains running after unit stopped.
Failed to start LSB: bitnami init script.

Let's try to manually stop them running this command

sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop

Next check no Bitnami services are running using ps, and kill any process running. After that, check the systemd service is stopped, and restart it.

kougo-minami commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your confirmation.

sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop I executed the above command, but the status of bitnami.service remained failed.

It is said that all running processes will be forcibly terminated and then restarted, but is it correct to execute the following command? ・kill -9 -- -1 ・sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart

gongomgra commented 7 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

Identify dangling processes with the command below and manually kill them. After that, try to restart the services. If it fails, please share both the command below and systemclt status outputs

COLUMNS=9999 ps aux | grep -i bitnami
kougo-minami commented 7 months ago

COLUMNS=9999 ps aux | grep -i bitnami I ran the above command, but the dangling processes didn't seem to exist.

root         751  0.0  0.2  87776 11600 ?        Ss   Jan29   0:05 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
daemon       775  0.0  0.2 2071708 10044 ?       Sl   Jan29   0:00 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
daemon       776  0.0  0.3 2071708 12328 ?       Sl   Jan29   0:00 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
daemon       777  0.0  0.2 2071708 11508 ?       Sl   Jan29   0:00 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
daemon       782  0.0  0.3 2071708 13564 ?       Sl   Jan29   0:00 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
daemon      1304  0.0  0.4 2071708 16236 ?       Sl   Jan29   0:00 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
daemon      1438  0.0  0.3 2071708 13128 ?       Sl   Jan29   0:00 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
daemon      1439  0.0  0.3 2071860 14924 ?       Sl   Jan29   0:00 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
subvers+    1764  0.0  0.0  17000  2724 ?        Ss   Jan29   0:00 svnserve -d --listen-host= --listen-port=3690 --pid-file=/opt/bitnami/subversion/tmp/ --log-file=/opt/bitnami/subversion/logs/svnserve.log
mysql       1776  0.0 10.9 1672044 441228 ?      Sl   Jan29   0:43 /opt/bitnami/mariadb/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/conf/my.cnf --basedir=/opt/bitnami/mariadb --datadir=/bitnami/mariadb/data --socket=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysql.sock --pid-file=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/
daemon      1914  0.0  4.0 418484 163728 ?       Sl   Jan29   0:01 Passenger RubyApp: /opt/bitnami/redmine (production)
bitnami    34290  0.1  0.1  15148  7876 ?        Ss   01:37   0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd --user
bitnami    34291  0.0  0.0 167612  2736 ?        S    01:37   0:00 (sd-pam)
bitnami    34310  0.0  0.1  14276  4692 ?        S    01:37   0:00 sshd: xxxxxxx@pts/0
bitnami    34311  0.0  0.1   8164  4956 pts/0    Ss   01:37   0:00 -bash
bitnami    34328  0.0  0.0   9756  3368 pts/0    R+   01:38   0:00 ps aux
bitnami    34329  0.0  0.0   6372   708 pts/0    S+   01:38   0:00 grep -i bitnami

However, compared to the normal Redmine server, the abnormal Redmine server seemed to lack the following processes. Is this relevant? root 1830 0.0 0.2 1678148 11340 ? Ssl 01:56 0:00 /opt/bitnami/gonit/bin/gonit

gongomgra commented 7 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

Please stop all services running the command below, and then check if there is any dangling service running the ps command again. If you find any, please kill them, and then restart all services again.

sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop

Regarding gonit, it is weird it is not running on your server. Did you modify anything on its configuration? Can you try to manually start it running the next command?

sudo gonit start

After that, verify it is running properly by running this other command

sudo gonit status

Hope it helps!

kougo-minami commented 7 months ago

We have confirmed the following, so please check it.

【gonit】 ①Check Status(sudo gonit status)  →The following error is output:   "Connnot find any running daemon to contact. If it is running, make sure you are pointing to the right pid file(/var/run/" ②Start ginit(sudo gonit start)  →No Errors ③Check Status(sudo gonit status)  →The following error is output:   "Connnot find any running daemon to contact. If it is running, make sure you are pointing to the right pid file(/var/run/" ④Check /var/run/  →File does not exist  cat /var/run/   →cat: /var/run/ No such file or directory  ls -la /var/run/   →ls: cannot access '/var/run/': No such file or directory

【Process Restart】 ①Stop the process with the following command.  sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop ②The command in ① does not cause an error, but the process is not stopped. ③Manually stop the process(SSH etc. are not eligible.) ④The execution result of the following command remains as failed.  systemctl status bitnami.service ⑤Confirm that browser access is no longer available. ⑥Start the process with the following command.  sudo /opt/bitnami/ start  →I get the following error:   Job for bitnami.service failed because the control process exited with error code.   See "systemctl status bitnami.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. ⑦Verify that the process is launched ⑧Verify that browser access is now available ⑨The execution result of the following command remains as failed  systemctl status bitnami.service

Best regards.

gongomgra commented 7 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

It is weird that Gonit is not working on your server. It is also weird that start command returns errors but the app works on browser (so it is running on your server). Did you modify anything related to gonit? Please take a look at our docs

kougo-minami commented 7 months ago

Please check the following.

【gonit】 1.When I executed the following command, gonit was able to start.  "sudo gonit" 2.The status didn't seem to be a problem.  "sudo gonit status"

Uptime                         6m13s
Last Check                     2024-02-06 06:04:37.677493744 +0000 UTC m=+360.084858590
Next Check                     2024-02-06 06:06:37.677493744 +0000 UTC m=+480.084858590
Pid                            226346
Pid File                       /var/run/
Control File                   /etc/gonit/gonitrc
Socket File                    /var/run/gonit.sock
Log File                       /var/log/gonit.log
Process 'apache'
  status                                        Running
  pid                                             75741
  uptime                                          6m13s
  monitoring status                           monitored

Process 'mariadb'
  status                                        Running
  pid                                             76795
  uptime                                          6m13s
  monitoring status                           monitored

Process 'subversion'
  status                                        Running
  pid                                             76754
  uptime                                          6m13s
  monitoring status                           monitored

3."COLUMNS=9999 ps aux | grep -i bitnami" does not include gonit in the execution result,  but we were able to confirm that gonit is started with the following command.

COLIMNS=9999 ps aux | grep 226346
root      226346  0.0  0.3 1678404 14832 ?       Ssl  05:58   0:00 gonit
bitnami   229504  0.0  0.0   6240   708 pts/0    S+   07:58   0:00 grep 226346

【bitnami.service】 1.After starting gonit, I checked the status of bitnami.sevice again, but it remained failed.

$systemctl status bitnami.service
● bitnami.service - LSB: bitnami init script
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/bitnami; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2024-02-02 04:06:42 UTC; 4 days ago
    Process: 75626 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/bitnami start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
      Tasks: 942 (limit: 4696)
     Memory: 561.5M
        CPU: 19min 11.998s
     CGroup: /system.slice/bitnami.service
             tq75741 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq75745 Passenger watchdog
             tq75748 Passenger core
             tq75759 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq75763 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq75764 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq75765 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq76293 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq76425 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq76426 /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd -f /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/httpd.conf
             tq76754 svnserve -d --listen-host= --listen-port=3690 --pid-file=/opt/bitnami/subversion/tmp/ --log-file=/opt/bitnami/subver>
             tq76762 Passenger RubyApp: /opt/bitnami/redmine (production)
             mq76795 /opt/bitnami/mariadb/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/conf/my.cnf --basedir=/opt/bitnami/mariadb --datadir=/bitnami/mar>

bitnami.service: Unit process 75765 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 76293 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 76425 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 76426 (httpd) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 76691 (ruby) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 76754 (svnserve) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 76762 (ruby) remains running after unit stopped.
bitnami.service: Unit process 76795 (mysqld) remains running after unit stopped.
Failed to start LSB: bitnami init script.
bitnami.service: Consumed 5.815s CPU time.

2.I also ran the service startup command, but the result was the same.

$sudo /opt/bitnami/ start
Starting services..
Job for bitnami.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status bitnami.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

Thank you for your support.

gongomgra commented 7 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

Thanks for sharing the info. It is great gonit is working now. Regarding the systemctl service error messages, I think although the systemctl stop command stops the services, there are processes still running (although you mentioned that COLUMNS=9999 ps aux | grep -i bitnami doesn't print any process), or the PID caching file for those services are not properly removed. Please stop all services, including gonit to ensure it doesn't start them in the background, then check if any process from Bitnami folder is running with ps. After that, kill any process found, and also the processes from the PIDs detected by the systemctl status command. Also look for the .pid files under the /opt/bitnami directory and remove them (if any). That should properly stop all running services. Finally, start Bitnami services again and check service status.

kougo-minami commented 7 months ago

The following steps have been taken, but the situation remains the same. Please let me know if there is anything else I should check.

sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop  →Stop the process COLUMNS=9999 ps aux | grep -i bitnami COLIMNS=9999 ps aux | grep -i gonit  →Confirm bitnami-related & gonit process ID sudo kill [PID]  →Forcibly stop processes that could not be stopped find /opt/bitnami -iname "*.pid"  →Search for pid file sudo rm [pid file]  →Delete the remaining pid file systemctl status bitnami.service  →Check the status of bitnami service (it was still "failed") sudo /opt/bitnami/ start  →Start the process (same error as before) COLUMNS=9999 ps aux | grep -i bitnami COLIMNS=9999 ps aux | grep -i gonit  →Check the status of bitnami-related process startup (it has been started) systemctl status bitnami.service  →Check the status of bitnami service (it was still "failed")

gongomgra commented 6 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

I'm afraid I'm running out of ideas here. Can you follow the same process you described but use systemctl command to stop/start the Bitnami service instead of calling the ctlscript directly?

In case the above doesn't work, we recommend you to start a new instance and migrate your application data there. Sorry for the inconveniences.

kougo-minami commented 6 months ago

I tried to start and stop the bitnami service using the systemctl command with the same result. I tried to rebuild the redmine server, but the bitnami service was still FAILED from the initial state. (I rebuilt the server once before, and the same situation happened then.) I can set up a redmine server in another Azure environment (different subscription) without any problem.

Currently, the status of the bitnami service is failed, but browser access is working fine. However, is it correct to say that it is not recommended to operate the bitnami service in production with the status of "failed"?

gongomgra commented 6 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

We recommend you to start a new server and migrate the Redmine data there. Although the web application in working on your current server, I think it is better to have a fully working instance, but it is a decision you have to make having your whole scenario into account. Hope it helps!

kougo-minami commented 6 months ago

I have started a new server (bitnami package for redmine -x64 Gen1) twice and both times bitnami.service was initially failed just like the current server. Is it better to start a Windows server and migrate redmine to it instead of "bitnami package for redmine -x64 Gen1"?

gongomgra commented 6 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

Can you tell me the exact Redmine version and machine size you are using so I can try to reproduce your issue to take a look at it?

kougo-minami commented 6 months ago

This will be the information on the machine where bitnami.service becomes FAILED. Version: 5.1.1 Size: Standard B2s

Thank you in advance.

gongomgra commented 5 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

I have launched an standard B2s instance with Redmine 5.1.2 in Azure, which is the current version available. I have not been able to launch any previous version. I didn't find any issue with the initialization process of this machine, and the Bitnami service is properly running right after the initialization process has finished according to the systemctl output

$ sudo systemctl status bitnami
● bitnami.service - LSB: bitnami init script
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/bitnami; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-03-14 09:56:40 UTC; 10s ago
    Process: 7539 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/bitnami start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
      Tasks: 958 (limit: 4691)
     Memory: 704.6M
        CPU: 7.548s

However, I have been able to reproduce your issue by force killing gonit PID. After that, the Bitnami service showed the same failed status you were getting. I have fixed it by starting gonit and telling it to monitor the Bitnami services again. Can you run the next commands on your server and share the output with us?

sudo systemctl status
sudo ps aux | grep -i gonit
sudo gonit status
sudo rm -vf /var/run/ /var/run/gonit.sock
sudo gonit
sudo gonit status
sudo gonit monitor apache
sudo gonit monitor mariadb
sudo gonit monitor subversion
sudo gonit status
sudo systemctl restart bitnami
sudo systemctl status bitnami
journalctl -u bitnami

Hope it helps!

kougo-minami commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your response. We will share the results of the execution of the command you linked to us in a text file.

Please check it out.


gongomgra commented 5 months ago

Hi @kougo-minami,

Thanks for your message. I'm glad you could start the Gonit monitor. However, it is weird that there are still processes running after the systemd service has been stopped. Can you please run the next commands to stop the services and manually kill the pending processes (notice I'm using the PIDs from the latest lines in the journalctl command)

curl -Li ""
sudo free -m
sudo netstat -tupln
sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop
sudo systemctl stop bitnami
sudo kill -9 762 766 769 779 782 783 791 1314 1448 1449 1712 1774 1787 1908 1928
sudo systemctl status bitnami
sudo netstat -tupln
sudo systemctl start bitnami
sudo systemctl status bitnami
sudo journalctl -u bitnami | tail -n 25
curl -Li ""
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

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