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2022/12/18/hifiberry_os_iqaudio_dacplus #3

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Running Hifiberry OS with an IQaudIO DAC+

HifiberryOS is a small, functional OS that supports multiple audio sources (Bluetooth, Spotify, Airplay, etc) and has a great looking web interface to control it. However, the only officially supported hardware is Hifiberry’s own DACs (which is reasonable).

raghavrithvik commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this. Will try it on an Allo digione and the PecanPi. Will come back with solves & feedback.

raghavrithvik commented 1 year ago

Couldn't get the allo-DigiOne working. I seem to be completely lost with "reconfigure-players bit and the kernel drivers as well. Would it be possible to shed some light please?

bitnimble commented 1 year ago

What exactly are you stuck on?

raghavrithvik commented 1 year ago

So, I got the dtbo for the allo-digione. My trouble is with the kernel files. I can't seem to find the kernel files for the dac on the git. I think the allo-digione uses something generic for the kernel and I'm not sure what that is and hot to get hifiberryOS to output to it. aplay -L says "no soundcards found". I tried with a Schiit modi connected over USB and that actually works fine.

bitnimble commented 1 year ago

just to make sure, you have dtoverlay=allo-digione being specified in the config.txt right?

a quick google shows this forum thread where it says that loading the bcm2835 driver might work -- can you try updating snd-soc-iqaudio-dac.ko.xz in my script to instead pull snd-soc-bcm2835-i2s.ko.xz and snd-soc-rpi-wm8804-soundcard.ko.xz and see if that changes anything?

raghavrithvik commented 1 year ago

Tried those things, just couldn’t get it to even detect. Also tried enabling i2c & i2s in dtoverlay.

Markismus commented 9 months ago

What is the .bak' part insed -i .bak '/hifiberry/d' config.txt` meant for? Those two lines generate error messages.

Markismus commented 9 months ago

The curl command generates a zero byte file iqaudio-dacplus.dtbo in the boot directory and in the boot/overlays directory. However, the address is correct: I put in a browser and could save the 1.5k file directly to overlays. Odd. Running with the -v flag:

# curl -v ""
* processing:
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80
> GET /raspberrypi/firmware/raw/master/boot/overlays/iqaudio-dacplus.dtbo HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/8.2.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Content-Length: 0
< Location:
* Connection #0 to host left intact

wget "" downloads the file just fine.

Markismus commented 9 months ago

Due to the failing sed -i .bak-lines I still had a line with i2c-gpio in config.txt.

The VERSION="5.15.78-v7l" lines needs to be modified, too. E.g. in September '23 the command uname -r gives 5.15.78-v7 and the other modules are indeed down this directory tree.

My raspberry pi 2 with BT 5.1 dongle and suptronic X400 now functions as a BT receiver for the TV. Very nice.

All in all a very fine howto. Thank you for your write-up. Cheers from Holland!

Markismus commented 9 months ago

The analogue playback has become dramatically softer after installing HiFiBerryOS. Even after setting the analogue volumes to 100% using alsamixer. Any idea how to improve it?