bitnine-oss / agensgraph

AgensGraph, a transactional graph database based on PostgreSQL
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How to have unique index for multiple fields and partial unique index and allow null values? #508

Closed simkimsia closed 3 years ago

simkimsia commented 4 years ago

Apologies if I phrase this badly. I'm from the RDBMS world.

In RDBMS such as postgres, I can build a table like this:

  1. If i want a unique constraint such as the entire table can have a unique index such that (product_id, price_id) are together as a pair must be unique, I can do that. Is this possible for Agensgraph?

  2. if i want a partial unique constraint in postgres where if the is_removed is False, then the person_id, product_id, and price_id are unique. I can do that in postgres. Is this possible for Agensgraph?

  3. Then if any of the foreignkeys are null, the unique constraints are not triggered. Is this possible in Agensgraph?

protodef commented 4 years ago

I think the below example queries answer your questions.

-- prepare for the test

-- create a test graph

-- set the current graph_path to g
SET graph_path = g;

-- 1. unique

-- create a vertex:product that has product_id and price_id
CREATE (:product {product_id: 'product-1', price_id: 'price-1'});

-- create a unique index over product (product_id, price_id)
CREATE UNIQUE PROPERTY INDEX ON product (product_id, price_id);

-- try to create a vertex:product that has the same product_id and price_id
-- (should fail)
CREATE (:product {product_id: 'product-1', price_id: 'price-1'});

-- create a vertex:product that has different id and name
-- (should succeed)
CREATE (:product {product_id: 'product-2', price_id: 'price-1'});

-- 2. unique partial

-- create a vertex:purchase that has
-- person_id, product_id, price_id, and is_removed=true
CREATE (:purchase {person_id: 'person-1', product_id: 'product-1', price_id: 'price-1',
                   is_removed: true});

-- create a unique partial index over purchase (person_id, product_id, price_id)
CREATE UNIQUE PROPERTY INDEX ON purchase (person_id, product_id, price_id)
  WHERE is_removed = jsonb_in('false');

-- try to create the same vertex again
-- (should succeed)
CREATE (:purchase {person_id: 'person-1', product_id: 'product-1', price_id: 'price-1',
                   is_removed: true});

-- create a vertex:purchase that has the same person_id, product_id, and price_id
-- but is_removed=false
-- (should succeed)
CREATE (:purchase {person_id: 'person-1', product_id: 'product-1', price_id: 'price-1',
                   is_removed: false});

-- try to create the same vertex again
-- (should fail)
CREATE (:purchase {person_id: 'person-1', product_id: 'product-1', price_id: 'price-1',
                   is_removed: false});

-- check the query plan
SET enable_seqscan = off;
-- index scan
EXPLAIN MATCH (n:purchase) WHERE n.is_removed = jsonb_in('false')
        RETURN n;
-- sequential scan
EXPLAIN MATCH (n:purchase)
        RETURN n;

-- 3. unique partial with null values

-- create a complete vertex:purchase
CREATE (:purchase {person_id: 'person-2', product_id: 'product-2', price_id: 'price-2',
                   is_removed: false});

-- create a vertex:purchase that has null price_id
CREATE (:purchase {person_id: 'person-2', product_id: 'product-2', price_id: null,
                   is_removed: false});

-- create a vertex:purchase that has null values for the properties
CREATE (:purchase {person_id: null, product_id: null, price_id: null,
                   is_removed: false});

-- create the same vertex:purchase
-- (should succeed)
CREATE (:purchase {person_id: null, product_id: null, price_id: null,
                   is_removed: false});

-- retrieve the vertices
MATCH (n:purchase) WHERE n.is_removed = jsonb_in('false')

-- clean up

SET enable_seqscan = on;
simkimsia commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the detailed reply. Will try it out on your docker image