bitnine-oss / agensgraph

AgensGraph, a transactional graph database based on PostgreSQL
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Agensgraph Environment setting after Installation (post installation setting) #555

Open AnwarsaeedDMU opened 2 years ago

AnwarsaeedDMU commented 2 years ago

I installed Agensgraph from the setup file and also unzip AgensBrowser file which is opened in Browser but can't process anything, when I want to create a new node it gives me the error _'DataAccessException->Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The authentication type 10 is not supported. Check that you have configured the pghba.conf file to include the client's IP address or subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported by the driver., SQL Code->08004 updateLabel is abort'. Maybe it's because of the post Installation setting or environment setting, I read the documentation of but still don't understand it. can anyone help to set it for me? I am really new to these things. System have: OS window 10, PostgreSQL 10.4, Agensgraph 2.1.2 and AgensBrowser web v1.0 (since 2018-02-01) agenbrowser

Thanks in Advance!!

kysmou commented 2 years ago

Please check after adding the following in the pg_hba.conf file. vi pg_hba.conf

IPv4 local connections:

host all all md5

The postgresql.conf file also needs to modify the parameters below. listen_addresses = '*'