bitovi / testee

Automated cross-browser JavaScript testing made easy
MIT License
119 stars 27 forks source link

Test is hung in the middle #96

Open minsooshin opened 7 years ago

minsooshin commented 7 years ago


node: v4.5.0 npm: 2.15.9 testee: 0.2.5 phantomjs: 2.1.1

// adder.js
import Component from 'can/component/';
import Map from 'can/map/';
import 'can/map/define/';
import './adder.less!';
import template from './adder.stache!';

export const ViewModel = Map.extend({
  a: 0,
  b: 0,
  define: {
    result: {
      get() {
        return this.attr('a') + this.attr('b');

export default Component.extend({
  tag: 'adder',
  viewModel: ViewModel,
import QUnit from 'steal-qunit';
import can from 'can';
import stache from 'can/view/stache/';
import F from 'funcunit';
import $ from 'jquery';
import './adder';

// ViewModel unit tests

QUnit.test('Has added number', function() {
  const mock = {
    a: 2,
    b: 3
  const template = stache('<adder {a}="a" {b}="b" />');

  this.$component = F('#qunit-fixture').find('adder');
  this.vm = can.viewModel(this.$component);

  equal(this.vm.attr('result'), 5);

log from DEBUG:testee command with phantom browser

testee:main running test for [ 'test/test.html' ] [ 'phantom' ] {} +0ms
  testee:main bootstrapping Testee +10ms
  testee:main starting Testee server { port: 3996,
  root: '/Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc',
  reporter: 'Dot',
  adapter: '/testee/',
  timeout: 120,
  delay: 1000,
  tunnel: { type: 'local', port: 3996 },
  launch: { type: 'local' } } +1ms
  testee:server initializing Feathers API +2ms
  testee:hosting intializing static file server /Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc +15ms
  testee:main testee server started and listening +22ms
  testee:main hooking up services to Mocha reporter +0ms
  testee:reporter setting up Mocha command line reporter +0ms
  testee:reporter start +1ms

    testee:main starting up localhost tunnel { type: 'local', port: 3996 } +0ms
  testee:main localhost tunnel started on http://localhost:3996 +1ms
  testee:main using browser launcher local { type: 'local' } +0ms
  testee:main browser launcher initialized +0ms
  testee:main setting up test runner +0ms
  testee:main server bootstrapped, running tests. +1ms
  testee:runner running tests for [ 'test/test.html' ] [ 'phantom' ] +0ms
  testee:runner initializing sequential test runs for browser phantom +0ms
  testee:runner running individual test http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=5k2emi { browser: 'phantom' } +2ms
  testee:runner browser instance started { browser: 'phantom' } +28ms
  testee:runner tracking test run http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=5k2emi { browser: 'phantom' } +0ms
  testee:html-injector injecting scripts into file /test/test.html?__token=5k2emi +504ms
  testee:runner CONSOLE: [object Object]
 http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=5k2emi { browser: 'phantom' } +1s

log from DEBUG:testee command with firefox browser

testee:main running test for [ 'test/test.html' ] [ 'firefox' ] { browsers: 'firefox' } +0ms
  testee:main bootstrapping Testee +20ms
  testee:main starting Testee server { browsers: 'firefox',
  port: 3996,
  root: '/Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc',
  reporter: 'Dot',
  adapter: '/testee/',
  timeout: 120,
  delay: 1000,
  tunnel: { type: 'local', port: 3996 },
  launch: { type: 'local' } } +1ms
  testee:server initializing Feathers API +1ms
  testee:hosting intializing static file server /Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc +12ms
  testee:main testee server started and listening +16ms
  testee:main hooking up services to Mocha reporter +0ms
  testee:reporter setting up Mocha command line reporter +1ms
  testee:reporter start +0ms

    testee:main starting up localhost tunnel { type: 'local', port: 3996 } +0ms
  testee:main localhost tunnel started on http://localhost:3996 +1ms
  testee:main using browser launcher local { type: 'local' } +0ms
  testee:main browser launcher initialized +1ms
  testee:main setting up test runner +0ms
  testee:main server bootstrapped, running tests. +0ms
  testee:runner running tests for [ 'test/test.html' ] [ 'firefox' ] +0ms
  testee:runner initializing sequential test runs for browser firefox +0ms
  testee:runner running individual test http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d { browser: 'firefox' } +2ms
  testee:runner browser instance started { browser: 'firefox' } +49ms
  testee:runner tracking test run http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d { browser: 'firefox' } +0ms
  testee:html-injector injecting scripts into file /test/test.html?__token=b7g71d +1s
  testee:html-injector injecting scripts into file /favicon.ico +292ms
  testee:reporter starting run { status: 'running',
  file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  id: 'a26d215ef30a56394074b87a43a3ec1b',
  environment: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0',
  runner: 'QUnit',
  time: 1479931070826 } +1s
  testee:runner checking if browser timeout can be reset http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d true +9ms
  testee:reporter starting suite { status: 'running',
  file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  title: 'apoc tests',
  root: true,
  id: 'd33df44d4c08ad6bdb371ab2c737337c',
  parent: 'a26d215ef30a56394074b87a43a3ec1b' } +63ms
  testee:reporter starting suite { status: 'running',
  file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  title: 'apoc/components/adder',
  parent: 'd33df44d4c08ad6bdb371ab2c737337c',
  id: '2ba96d5c24f28e2b2fc70b5ffde4a211' } +8ms
  testee:reporter starting suite { status: 'running',
  file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  title: 'Has added number',
  parent: '2ba96d5c24f28e2b2fc70b5ffde4a211',
  id: '7ffcd5828adb259f18031510347868d2' } +2ms
  testee:reporter starting test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  id: '1d48565b36709004587aca01a5185894',
  title: 'okay',
  parent: '7ffcd5828adb259f18031510347868d2' } +2ms
  testee:reporter updating test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  id: '1d48565b36709004587aca01a5185894',
  title: 'okay',
  parent: '7ffcd5828adb259f18031510347868d2',
  status: 'passed' } +2ms

  ․  testee:reporter updating suite { status: 'finished',
  file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  title: 'Has added number',
  parent: '2ba96d5c24f28e2b2fc70b5ffde4a211',
  id: '7ffcd5828adb259f18031510347868d2' } +11ms
  testee:reporter updating suite { status: 'finished',
  file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  title: 'apoc/components/adder',
  parent: 'd33df44d4c08ad6bdb371ab2c737337c',
  id: '2ba96d5c24f28e2b2fc70b5ffde4a211',
  failed: 0,
  total: 1 } +11ms
  testee:reporter updating suite { status: 'finished',
  file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  title: 'apoc tests',
  root: true,
  id: 'd33df44d4c08ad6bdb371ab2c737337c',
  parent: 'a26d215ef30a56394074b87a43a3ec1b' } +6ms
  testee:reporter updating run { status: 'finished',
  file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d',
  id: 'a26d215ef30a56394074b87a43a3ec1b',
  environment: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0',
  runner: 'QUnit',
  time: 1479931070826,
  failed: 0,
  passed: 1,
  total: 1,
  runtime: 118 } +4ms
  testee:runner checking if run http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=b7g71d is finished true +1ms
  testee:runner stopping browser instance { browser: 'firefox' } +1ms
  testee:main shutting down reporter +705ms
  testee:reporter end +0ms
  testee:reporter reportErrors 0 +0ms

  1 passing (4s)

  testee:main closing server +3ms
minsooshin commented 7 years ago

Another hanging case is missing parent property from tests object

// component
import Component from 'can/component/';
import Map from 'can/map/';
import './breadcrumb.less!';
import template from './breadcrumb.stache!';

export const ViewModel = Map.extend({
  isVisible: false,
  paths: []

export default Component.extend({
  tag: 'sc-breadcrumb',
  viewModel: ViewModel,
// stache
<div {{^isVisible}} class="sc-hidden"{{/isVisible}}>
  {{#if isVisible}}
    {{#each paths}}
      {{#if @index}}
        <span class="sc-icon-caret-right"></span>
      {{#if isLink}}
        <a href="{{link}}">{{name}}</a>
// test
import QUnit from 'steal-qunit';
import can from 'can';
import $ from 'jquery';
import F from 'funcunit';
import './breadcrumb';

// ViewModel unit tests

QUnit.test('Breadcrumb', function() {
  // given
  const mock = {
    isVisible: true,
    paths: [
        isLink: true,
        link: '#depth-1',
        name: 'Depth 1'
        isLink: true,
        link: '#depth-1/depth-2',
        name: 'Depth 2'
        isLink: false,
        link: '#depth-1/depth-2/depth-3',
        name: 'Depth 3'

  // when
  const template = can.stache('<sc-breadcrumb {is-visible}="isVisible" {paths}="paths" />');

  this.$component = F('#qunit-fixture').find('sc-breadcrumb');
  this.vm = can.viewModel(this.$component);

  // then
    .css('color', 'rgb(153, 153, 153)', 'show have gray colored arrow')
    .size(this.vm.paths.length - 1, 'should have 1 less number of depth arrow');
    .size(this.vm.paths.length - 1, 'should have 1 less number of depth link');

log from DEBUG:testee command with phantom browser

testee:main running test for [ 'test/test.html' ] [ 'phantom' ] {} +0ms
  testee:main bootstrapping Testee +12ms
  testee:main starting Testee server { port: 3996,
  root: '/Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc',
  reporter: 'Dot',
  adapter: '/testee/',
  timeout: 120,
  delay: 1000,
  tunnel: { type: 'local', port: 3996 },
  launch: { type: 'local' } } +1ms
  testee:server initializing Feathers API +1ms
  testee:hosting intializing static file server /Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc +17ms
  testee:main testee server started and listening +28ms
  testee:main hooking up services to Mocha reporter +0ms
  testee:reporter setting up Mocha command line reporter +0ms
  testee:reporter start +1ms

    testee:main starting up localhost tunnel { type: 'local', port: 3996 } +0ms
  testee:main localhost tunnel started on http://localhost:3996 +1ms
  testee:main using browser launcher local { type: 'local' } +0ms
  testee:main browser launcher initialized +1ms
  testee:main setting up test runner +0ms
  testee:main server bootstrapped, running tests. +0ms
  testee:runner running tests for [ 'test/test.html' ] [ 'phantom' ] +0ms
  testee:runner initializing sequential test runs for browser phantom +1ms
  testee:runner running individual test http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja { browser: 'phantom' } +2ms
  testee:runner browser instance started { browser: 'phantom' } +21ms
  testee:runner tracking test run http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja { browser: 'phantom' } +0ms
  testee:html-injector injecting scripts into file /test/test.html?__token=fllnja +541ms
  testee:runner CONSOLE: WARN: Use %index in place of @index.
 http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja { browser: 'phantom' } +1s
  testee:runner CONSOLE: WARN: Use %index in place of @index.
 http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja { browser: 'phantom' } +2ms
  testee:runner CONSOLE: WARN: Use %index in place of @index.
 http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja { browser: 'phantom' } +1ms
  testee:reporter starting test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja',
  id: '761cc02b747823cec8292d9df17272bd',
  title: 'show have gray colored arrow' } +106ms
  testee:reporter updating test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja',
  id: '761cc02b747823cec8292d9df17272bd',
  title: 'show have gray colored arrow',
  status: 'passed' } +3ms
  testee:reporter starting test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja',
  id: '03a208679c0b6389c32a8700cce59364',
  title: 'should have 1 less number of depth arrow' } +9ms
  testee:reporter updating test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja',
  id: '03a208679c0b6389c32a8700cce59364',
  title: 'should have 1 less number of depth arrow',
  status: 'passed' } +4ms
  testee:reporter starting test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja',
  id: 'ca9ac5ab2e5d7c5155f60a3513bc4834',
  title: 'should have 1 less number of depth link' } +17ms
  testee:reporter updating test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja',
  id: 'ca9ac5ab2e5d7c5155f60a3513bc4834',
  title: 'should have 1 less number of depth link',
  status: 'passed' } +9ms
  testee:runner test http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja timed out +2m
  testee:runner stopping browser instance { browser: 'phantom' } +1ms
  testee:reporter adding error to reporter { [Error: Browser timed out within 120 seconds]
  message: 'Browser timed out within 120 seconds',
  stack: 'Error: Browser timed out within 120 seconds\n    at testTimedOut [as _onTimeout] (/Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc/node_modules/testee/lib/runner.js:43:42)\n    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)',
  title: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja on {"browser":"phantom"}' } +5ms
  testee:main shutting down reporter +1ms
  testee:reporter end +0ms
  testee:reporter reportErrors 1 +0ms
  testee:reporter starting run { id: 'c88c0b68-39f2-4c7d-a5ab-a623d2700837',
  title: 'General error' } +0ms
  testee:reporter reporting error { [Error: Browser timed out within 120 seconds]
  message: 'Browser timed out within 120 seconds',
  stack: 'Error: Browser timed out within 120 seconds\n    at testTimedOut [as _onTimeout] (/Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc/node_modules/testee/lib/runner.js:43:42)\n    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)',
  title: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja on {"browser":"phantom"}' } +1ms
  testee:reporter starting test { id: '05927667-edd5-493e-bbdc-267d47aa96f3',
  parent: 'c88c0b68-39f2-4c7d-a5ab-a623d2700837',
  status: 'failed',
   { [Error: Browser timed out within 120 seconds]
     message: 'Browser timed out within 120 seconds',
     stack: 'Error: Browser timed out within 120 seconds\n    at testTimedOut [as _onTimeout] (/Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc/node_modules/testee/lib/runner.js:43:42)\n    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)',
     title: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja on {"browser":"phantom"}' },
  title: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja on {"browser":"phantom"}' } +0ms
  testee:reporter updating test { id: '05927667-edd5-493e-bbdc-267d47aa96f3',
  parent: 'c88c0b68-39f2-4c7d-a5ab-a623d2700837',
  status: 'failed',
   { [Error: Browser timed out within 120 seconds]
     message: 'Browser timed out within 120 seconds',
     stack: 'Error: Browser timed out within 120 seconds\n    at testTimedOut [as _onTimeout] (/Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc/node_modules/testee/lib/runner.js:43:42)\n    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)',
     title: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja on {"browser":"phantom"}' },
  title: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja on {"browser":"phantom"}' } +0ms

  ․  testee:reporter updating run { status: 'finished',
  id: 'c88c0b68-39f2-4c7d-a5ab-a623d2700837',
  title: 'General error' } +1ms

  0 passing (2m)
  1 failing

  1) General error http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja on {"browser":"phantom"}:
     Error: Browser timed out within 120 seconds
      at testTimedOut [as _onTimeout] (/Users/mshin/Workspace/spirent/apoc/node_modules/testee/lib/runner.js:43:42)
      at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)

  testee:main closing server +2ms

If take a look at the debugging object when the test starts

testee:reporter starting test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=fllnja',
  id: '761cc02b747823cec8292d9df17272bd',
  title: 'show have gray colored arrow' } +106ms

There is no parent property...

minsooshin commented 7 years ago



testee:html-injector injecting scripts into file /test/test.html?__token=d5r1bn +475ms
  testee:reporter startRun ---------------------------------------------------- +1s
  testee:reporter { status: 'running', file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=d5r1bn', id: '6a473ffcf2036a579b013a9746505665', environment: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36', runner: 'QUnit', time: 1479942101214 } +1ms


testee:html-injector injecting scripts into file /test/test.html?__token=lr1i20 +472ms
  testee:reporter starting test { file: 'http://localhost:3996/test/test.html?__token=lr1i20',
  id: 'eba2407b07bf1a93b29a31630d919ea5',
  title: 'show have gray colored arrow' } +1s

Even it doesn't trigger startRun and startSuite from lib/reporter/index.js