bitpay / bitcore-mnemonic

BIP39 Mnemonics implemented for Bitcore
MIT License
155 stars 212 forks source link

Add Korean Wordlist #57

Closed junderw closed 5 years ago

junderw commented 6 years ago

This wordlist is about to be merged into the bitcoin/bips repo.

I might be jumping the gun here, but I had a Korean friend tell me that Korean users were losing lots of coins from misspelling English when writing down the English phrases. She wants to translate Copay, but doesn't know English, so I gave her the Japanese text to translate which I will upload to Copay once she's done.

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0.02%) to 98.246% when pulling 75a136ed690058eb266a6949967424e16134bf03 on junderw:addkorean into 532fbe1010502fee3f25bdd93cb8dde66fb1386e on bitpay:master.

leehankyeol commented 6 years ago

When is this PR going to be merged?