bitpay / cordova-plugin-qrscanner

A fast, energy efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner for Cordova apps and the browser.
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Crosswalk support #47

Closed git-liyou closed 6 years ago

git-liyou commented 7 years ago

I create a new project to test this plugin,and it work fine.But when i add crosswalk in my project,it shown a blank screen,and go back previous page,the screen flashed.

dcousens commented 7 years ago

@dPary did you end up resolving this?

bitjson commented 7 years ago

I've not tested the plugin with crosswalk – I'm fairly sure it would require some development to get working.

You may want to consider not using crosswalk though – the Android ecosystem has come a long way in the past few years, and there are relatively few devices still in use which lack the Chrome browser webview (Android 4.4+).

Unless you specifically need to support those devices, you'll either be spending a lot of effort either maintaining separate builds, or you'll be adding a very bulky dependency to your download for all users.

git-liyou commented 7 years ago

@dcousens not yet...

git-liyou commented 7 years ago

@bitjson Thanks for replying

dcousens commented 7 years ago

@bitjson the concern is that a lot of devices do not have a consistent web view, and things as simple as UInt8Array have sporadic support.

Not to mention UI problems with inconsistent support for things like flex-box etc.

Crosswalk solves those issues in a way you can trust the crypto isn't silently failing.

dcousens commented 7 years ago

For the record, it works great using, insanely fast, no delays.

gildebrand commented 7 years ago

Has anyone been able to resolve this? Would very much like to be able to use this plugin together with Crosswalk on Android, and would happily look deeper into implementing it in this plugin if I only knew where to start!

dcousens commented 7 years ago

I think I've resolved it, will submit a PR ASAP. Special thanks to @majornista from

edit: Sort of.


Nauzer commented 6 years ago

If you are experiencing problems with Xwalk - especially showing preview you need to adjust your config.xml.

for config.xml (if regular Cordova project) <preference name="CrosswalkAnimatable" value="true" />

for meteor mobile-config.js (for meteor project) App.setPreference('CrosswalkAnimatable', true);

felixbroehl commented 6 years ago

@Nauzer When i set <preference name="CrosswalkAnimatable" value="true" /> in the config.xml my app crashes on start up on android. How can i resolve this? Ever experienced something like this? I'm using cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview@2.3.0 and with the latest ionic.

felixbroehl commented 6 years ago

<preference name="animatableXwalkView" value="true" /> is not crashing the app ;)

bitjson commented 6 years ago

Crosswalk is no longer maintained, so I'm closing this. Feel free to open a new issue/PR if you'd like to see something else happen.

RobbertWolfs commented 5 years ago

@felixbroehl <preference name="animatableXwalkView" value="true" /> is not crashing the app, but did this fixed the issue?