bitpay / cordova-plugin-qrscanner

A fast, energy efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner for Cordova apps and the browser.
MIT License
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How to make iOS re-render the webview background as transparent #76

Closed Ethan9001 closed 7 years ago

Ethan9001 commented 7 years ago

I have used a lot of ways to set the element transparent, still no effect. But in the debugging time, switch the background when the transparent style will be successful. Said do not understand

mljsgto222 commented 7 years ago

I fixed that by change the position of a element after on iOS 10.2 and 10.3. I think it is because webview does not render elements that are under opaque elements, and setting background will only make it redraw the element. So you need to trigger reflow to render it.

fahadpathan commented 7 years ago

How you have changed the position?

mljsgto222 commented 7 years ago

@fahadpathan The body position is 'fixed' In the Ionic, so I just changed it to 'static' in callback of

fahadpathan commented 7 years ago

@mljsgto222 I have added background ''transparent' inside;.

mljsgto222 commented 7 years ago

@fahadpathan I mean you need to trigger Webview to reflow. I changed the body position, you can also use other ways. But changing background will only trigger the browser to repaint.


这是我个人的见解。| ω・´)

fahadpathan commented 7 years ago

@mljsgto222 Yes I repainted browser, as we need customer layout for QR Code similar to WhatsApp QR Code scanner.

bitjson commented 7 years ago

Hey @fahadpathan and @mljsgto222 – were you able to solve this issue? Making the webview transparent in iOS is somewhat finicky, and depending on your app, you might need to do some adding/removing CSS elements to trigger the view to be redrawn as transparent. You can see for an example. (Links to the live version in app stores here:

If you have any ideas for how we can modify this plugin to work better "out-of-the-box", I'd love to take a pull request!