bitpay / insight-api

The bitcoin blockchain API powering Insight
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Method not found. Code:-32601 #597

Open KushalKochar opened 6 years ago

KushalKochar commented 6 years ago


I have setup two indexer (1 for BTC and 1 for BCH). BTC works fine on both main net and test net.

BCH indexer gives me error (Method not found. Code:-32601) for almost all api for e.g. (/insight-api/addrs/txs).

At the same time the same api call to get block details (/insight-api/block/0000000000000000013d158bdcf920e005272cda96d48ff60f1846344ce74f25) give me perfect result.

When I try (/insight-api/sync), I get the result:

{ "status": "finished", "blockChainHeight": 547253, "syncPercentage": 100, "height": 547253, "error": null, "type": "bitcore node" }

Using following config :

RUN git clone RUN cd bitcore RUN npm install RUN cd ..

RUN bitcore create ctnode WORKDIR /ctnode RUN bitcore install insight-api . . . WORKDIR /ctnode/node_modules/bitcore-node/bin RUN wget RUN tar -xzf bitcoin-abc-0.18.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz RUN ln -sf bitcoin-abc-0.18.0/bin/bitcoind bitcoind

Generate default bitcoin.conf if none is yet existing

if [ ! -f ${BITCOIND_CONFIG} ]; then echo "server=1" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}

echo "whitelist=" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}

echo "txindex=1" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "addressindex=1" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "timestampindex=1" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "usecashaddr=0" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "upnp=0" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "spentindex=1" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "zmqpubrawtx=tcp://" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "zmqpubhashblock=tcp://" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "rpcallowip=" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "rpcuser=bitcoin" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "rpcpassword=local321" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "rpcworkqueue=128" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "maxuploadtarget=${BITCOIND_MAX_UPLOAD_TARGET}" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}
echo "uacomment=bitcore" >> ${BITCOIND_CONFIG}

echo "Created initial bitcoin.conf in directory '${BITCOIND_DATA_DIR}'"


Generate default bitcore-node.json configuration if none is yet existing

if [ ! -f ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG} ]; then echo "{" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG} echo " \"network\": \"${BITCOIND_NET}\"," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG} echo " \"port\": 3001," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG} echo " \"services\": [" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG} echo " \"web\"," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG} echo " \"bitcoind\"," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}

echo " \"bitcore-wallet-service\"," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}

echo "    \"insight-api\"" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "  ]," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "  \"servicesConfig\": {" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "    \"bitcoind\": {" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "      \"spawn\": {" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "        \"datadir\": \"${BITCOIND_DATA_DIR}\"," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "        \"exec\": \"/ctnode/node_modules/bitcore-node/bin/bitcoind\"" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "      }" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "    }," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "    \"web\": {" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "      \"jsonRequestLimit\": \"200kb\"" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "    }," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "    \"insight-api\": {" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "      \"disableRateLimiter\": true," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "      \"rateLimiterOptions\": {"  >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "        \"whitelist\": [\"::ffff:\"]" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "      }", >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "      \"routePrefix\": \"insight-api\"," >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "      \"enableCache\": true" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "    }" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "  }" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}
echo "}" >> ${BITCORE_NODE_CONFIG}

Error on the console logs :

"POST /insight-api/addrs/txs" 400 29 1.559 "PostmanRuntime/7.3.0"

KushalKochar commented 6 years ago

Can anyone please have a look on this issue?

libinC-bit commented 5 years ago

I also encountered this problem. Can you solve it?

EternityTula commented 5 years ago

Any solve it?

KushalKochar commented 5 years ago

Couldn't solve it and so left this and now using 3rd party indexer service

vladislavmamchich commented 5 years ago

Any solve it?

EternityTula commented 5 years ago

Some usefull info here:

libinC-bit commented 5 years ago

这里有一些有用的信息: https//

this may be a little problem now, I am now bch running to 545957 this block has stopped