Open sullerandras opened 7 years ago
thanks for the report. let us check it and we will get back to you.
tx: 3b8b22b7929c29255cdc73044d77c8e8d330be34367824173119a7c1c309af13
output: 0
is a pay-to-public-key type utxo, therefore, the public key is provided in the output and NOT provided in the input that spends this utxo. Insight doesn't make any distinction, currently, for this type of output.
We chose not to worry about accounting for these types on txs because they are not used very much anymore. There are plenty of utxos of this type (Satoshis'), but we don't account for them.
I think I can make this happen for the final release of v5.0.0, which has to happen before the hard fork.
For example this address:
It got 50 BTC in this transaction so it should display 50 BTC as balance:
Others like display the correct balance.