bitpay / wallet

Bitpay Wallet (formerly Copay) is a secure Bitcoin and other crypto currencies wallet platform for both desktop and mobile devices.
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Unable to send funds to another addresses #3991

Closed umagon closed 8 years ago

umagon commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have this problem... I am trying to send btc to another address, but I keep getting error messages and can't send at all.

First, I would receive something like "Transaction was created, but was not sent. Bad signatures". When I did this, a message appeared in my home screen "Total Locked Balance: X.XX btc", and there was my transaction waiting to be sent.

Whenever I try to send the transaction, I get "Signatures rejected by server". I am getting same behaviour in Android.

Am I missing something?

matiu commented 8 years ago


Do you have a singlesig or multisig wallet? Is the wallet old ? (ie created more that a year ago?)

Can you try delete the transaction proposal and start again?

matiu commented 8 years ago

PS: Do you have the backup (Mnemonic) ? If you need to send urgently, you can use Copay's recovery tool at:

umagon commented 8 years ago

I don't know whether I'm using a singlesig or multisig wallet. How can I find out? I have my wallet since december of 2015.

Deleting and creating again the transaction yields same results.

I downloaded 3 backups and deleted none of them. I'm in no hurry. I'd like to see it working, btw.

umagon commented 8 years ago


dabura667 commented 8 years ago

What version of Copay are you using?

If it's old, you could be generating high-S signatures. (I forgot when that fix went in effect on the network)

matiu commented 8 years ago

Can you try using the Copay recovery Tool to move funds to a new wallet?

On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 9:01 PM, Dabura667 wrote:

What version of Copay are you using?

If it's old, you could be generating high-S signatures. (I forgot when that fix went in effect on the network)

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Matías Alejo Garcia @ematiu Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!

umagon commented 8 years ago

I am now using the latest version, I updated a week ago.

I noticed that my wallet is singlesig. (found an indicator "(m-n)" which says 1-1)

I uploaded my backup to Copay recovery tool and input my password. It said I had 0 btc on it. What's going on...? In the app it says I own some funds, even after scanning my addresses.

umagon commented 8 years ago

I would like to at least obtain my private key so I can move to another wallet. I couldn't even find that option.

matiu commented 8 years ago

Do you have the mnemonic for your wallet (the 12 back words)?

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 5:20 PM, Brian Salamone wrote:

I would like to at least obtain my private key so I can move to another wallet. I couldn't even find that option.

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Matías Alejo Garcia @ematiu Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!

matiu commented 8 years ago

You can import that mnemonic on any BIP44 wallet you check the balance.

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Matias Alejo Garcia wrote:

Do you have the mnemonic for your wallet (the 12 back words)?

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 5:20 PM, Brian Salamone wrote:

I would like to at least obtain my private key so I can move to another wallet. I couldn't even find that option.

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Matías Alejo Garcia @ematiu Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!

Matías Alejo Garcia @ematiu Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!

umagon commented 8 years ago

I recently discovered that in the settings menu there is this option "Backup" at root level that I can't access. It says... "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export"

Seems like this "mnemonic" thing I need... Why can't I backup my wallet this way? Any ideas?

matiu commented 8 years ago

Your wallet is probably old (we didnt have mnemonics on the first versions) or the mnemonics were deleted.

You can backup the wallet in Advanced > Export

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 1:23 AM Brian Salamone wrote:

I recently discovered that in the settings menu there is this option "Backup" at root level that I can't access. It says... "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export"

Seems like this "mnemonic" thing I need... Why can't I backup my wallet this way? Any ideas?

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umagon commented 8 years ago

But I don't know what to do with these backups. The recovery tool didn't help, it says I have 0 btc, and I can't import my backup to other wallets. Is there any other way to get my money out? Are there any other wallets that can import Copay's old backups?

matiu commented 8 years ago

Could you let us know one of the address of your wallet that has funds On it? So we can investigate further? On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 2:54 PM Brian Salamone wrote:

But I don't know what to do with these backups. The recovery tool didn't help, it says I have 0 btc, and I can't import my backup to other wallets. Is there any other way to get my money out? Are there any other wallets that can import Copay's old backups?

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umagon commented 8 years ago


matiu commented 8 years ago

OK, we were able to identify the wallet. it seems that the problem (with the recovery tool) is that the address gap is set to 20, and it seems that wallet as a bigger gap between addresses with activity. Let us work on a fix, and we will get back to you.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 2:42 PM, Brian Salamone wrote:


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matiu commented 8 years ago

OK, we have added a configurable address GAP to

Could you try again, setting an address GAP of ~60?


On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 10:14 AM, Matias Alejo Garcia wrote:

OK, we were able to identify the wallet. it seems that the problem (with the recovery tool) is that the address gap is set to 20, and it seems that wallet as a bigger gap between addresses with activity. Let us work on a fix, and we will get back to you.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 2:42 PM, Brian Salamone wrote:


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Matías Alejo Garcia @ematiu Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!

umagon commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your efforts.

I tested the recovery with gaps of 60, 70 and 80 to no avail-- my balance appears as 0 btc in every case.

EDIT: Just in case I created another backup. This one was a LOT larger. Like, 30~40 times the amount of text that my last backup had. However, this new backup made no difference to the recovery tool. Still 0 btc with gap 60 nor with 70.

matiu commented 8 years ago

Could you please contact me at so we can try to assist you privately?


ghost commented 7 years ago

@umagon could you resolve that issue? i seem to have the exact same problem

umagon commented 7 years ago

I contacted matiu privately and despite his efforts I never got this resolved. This is sad for me, I've been struggling with the fact I have no power over my BTC and I stopped getting response from matiu a couple of months ago. I'm out of ideas.

ghost commented 7 years ago

this is quite interesting since this #4266 seems to be the same problem, which was also closed and then no response anymore...this is not cool

dabura667 commented 7 years ago

@umagon if you want, I could continue investigating with you.

  1. Download
  2. Unzip to a folder
  3. open the html file in /english/copay_decrypt.html with your browser
  4. Make sure your internet is working. (This will query the balances of all your addresses and show them to you)
  5. Copy the JSON text of your wallet backup in the first entry (should look similar the text below)
    {"iv":"resq3e0IOYEIlU7qNQKqDA==","v":1, ..... s7w0"}
  6. Type 50 into the addresses box
  7. Type in your backup's encryption password into the password box
  8. Click decrypt button
  9. It should show you a list of addresses, and which ones have a balance.
  10. If you can't find the address, try a bigger number than 50, you will have to hit decrypt twice (there is a warning message) and wait longer (javascript is slow)

Then you will know the following:

  1. Your address is definitely in your wallet
  2. which index it is

Then all we have to do is create a transaction for sending your money to an address of your choosing.

Which should be easy to code up in a few hours.

But first, using the tool above, you can find if the address you are looking for is on your copay wallet.

Let me know if you get any errors.

the source is available here:

ghost commented 7 years ago

@dabura667 i know that the coins are in the wallet and also which adress...the problem is still to get them out of there....when sending there are signatures wanted from the bws server...but there are no signatures sent within the the issue looks to be on bws side not the client

umagon commented 7 years ago

@dabura667 I got no errors and I have the indexes. To this point I could get before, but transfering the funds to another wallet did never work.

matiu commented 7 years ago

Hi guys,

@dabura667 a little context for this error.

We put a lot of effort to resolve it, but the xpriv key of the wallet simply does not match the xpub key in BWS and even the xpub key wallet export file. So the Bitcoin's on its addresses are not recoverable with that xpriv.

We investigated what could have cause it, and our best guest was that @umagon was using a custom, not official Android distribution. Because we were not able to reproduce this error by any means, and finally give up.

umagon commented 7 years ago

What could @romancsandl 's case have in common with mine? Maybe we can investigate further with this new lead.

ghost commented 7 years ago

at first i can tell you a difference...this phone was not rooted and did not have a custom version running

matiu commented 7 years ago

Roman I suggest you open a new ticket and explain in detail the problem.

On Jan 12, 2017 8:29 AM, "Roman Csandl" wrote:

at first i can tell you a difference...this phone was not rooted and did not have a custom version running

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ghost commented 7 years ago


already did that

umagon commented 6 years ago

I have read in another issue that someone got a bad signatures error working by installing an old version.

I have my wallet since August 2015, and Copay was at v1.1.2. I installed that version and when I wanted to use it, it said... image Is there any way I can make this service work for this copay version? Maybe use other service provider?