bitpiston / rss-button-for-safari

Safari web extension for news feed discovery of RSS, Atom, JSON Feed & RDF+RSS.
MIT License
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NSWorkspace's open(_:withAppBundleIdentifier:..) deprecated in macOS 11.0 #26

Closed einkoro closed 2 years ago

einkoro commented 3 years ago

open(_:withAppBundleIdentifier:options:additionalEventParamDescriptor:launchIdentifiers:) needs to be replaced with open(_:withApplicationAt:configuration:completionHandler:) which will require changes to FeedHandlerModel, SettingsManager, and ViewController.updateFeedHandlers() to replace bundle IDs with URLs. Existing preferences will need to be updated as well.

Alternatively we can leave everything else as is and use urlForApplication(withBundleIdentifier:) to fetch this as needed. Probably an even better idea strictly in the event the application is either renamed or moved for some reason.

einkoro commented 2 years ago

Looks like this was partly addressed already in SettingsManager's launchApplication() but not for the extension's opening of feeds in specific apps.