bitpoke / mysql-operator

Asynchronous MySQL Replication on Kubernetes using Percona Server and Openark's Orchestrator.
Apache License 2.0
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mysql cluster can not discover by orchestrator #888

Closed liuyuexizhi closed 1 year ago

liuyuexizhi commented 1 year ago

k8s version: v1.23.13 mysql operator chart:v0.6.2

I have enabled CustomResourceSubresources.

the operator error:

E0509 02:37:10.018930       1 controller.go:304] controller/controller.orchestrator "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="[orc]: status: 0 path: cluster/mysql-test-mysql-cluster-db.mysql-operator-system msg: Get \"http://mysql-operator.mysql-operator-system/api/cluster/mysql-test-mysql-cluster-db.mysql-operator-system\": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers), details: <nil>" "name"="mysql-test-mysql-cluster-db" "namespace"="mysql-operator-system"

Orchestrator UI

No clusters found

The second MySQL pod -- init container

E0509 02:39:58.752845       1 deleg.go:144] sidecar "msg"="clone command failed" "error"="nothing to clone from: no existing data found, no replicas and no master available, and no clone bucket url found"

anyone know the answer to this question...

liuyuexizhi commented 1 year ago

Now, when I set 3 operator error info:

E0509 05:59:44.941083       1 orchestrator_reconcile.go:375] orchestrator-reconciler "msg"="failed to discover host with orchestrator" "error"="[orc]: status: 500 path: discover/mysql-test-mysql-cluster-db-mysql-0.mysql.mysql-operator-system/3306 msg: Unauthorized, details: <nil>" "key"={"Namespace":"mysql-operator-system","Name":"mysql-test-mysql-cluster-db"} "instance"={"Hostname":"mysql-test-mysql-cluster-db-mysql-0.mysql.mysql-operator-system","Port":3306}
liuyuexizhi commented 1 year ago

I have solved this problem. use mysql operator chart:v0.5.3