bitpoke / mysql-operator

Asynchronous MySQL Replication on Kubernetes using Percona Server and Openark's Orchestrator.
Apache License 2.0
993 stars 275 forks source link

Description mysql failed to restart unexpectedly #894

Open lizhongxuan opened 1 year ago

lizhongxuan commented 1 year ago

This is bug. When the mysql disk is full, the pod will restart. If the mysql redo log is too large, it will take a long time to redo. The heartbeat detection pod will cause the entire image to restart. Keep repeating

drivebyer commented 1 year ago

Maybe should increase the pvc size?

lizhongxuan commented 1 year ago

No, the disk is fine. mysql log redo conflicts with the heartbeat mechanism. I did the following actions to restore mysql: 1. Close the operator; 2 Change the detection times to 9999; 3. After mysql recovers, restore operator.

lizhongxuan commented 1 year ago

When mysql reworks the log for too long,mysql does not recover, triggering a pod restart.

drivebyer commented 1 year ago

I understand you. BTW, how do you config the detection time, where is the configuration?