Which Site (Platform or Website platform Site Version (if known): beta
Which Page:
What sequence of actions just before error: I created a group bid for an invoice yesterday. It ended and my Euro was refunded. But there was no history of it in my dash. It would be good to have a message letting me know that my bid was not successful and even better would be to let me know what price/percentage was successful as that would help me in my future bids. Also…when I was creating the group bid..It wasn't clear as to what was the percentage of profit on the invoice. Eg…was it a 2% or 4% profit. I am not a technically minded person…so I thought I would point this out as other people may also have trouble working this out. Perhaps before the group bid is opened…there can be a pop up screen clarifying all of these variables in an easy to understand way. And a transaction report on my dash...whether successful or not. Thanks
Problem Type (error_msg, functionality, correctness, no response, unexpected response, other other
Problem Duration (once, sporadic, repeated, always): First time
Brief Description (expand as needed, be to the point): As above.
Populous Incident Reporting (contacts: woofie33, Rich.S, mack, dodyday, CryptoGK, Mark.Harrison) Instructions below
Which Site (Platform or Website platform Site Version (if known): beta Which Page:
What sequence of actions just before error: I created a group bid for an invoice yesterday. It ended and my Euro was refunded. But there was no history of it in my dash. It would be good to have a message letting me know that my bid was not successful and even better would be to let me know what price/percentage was successful as that would help me in my future bids. Also…when I was creating the group bid..It wasn't clear as to what was the percentage of profit on the invoice. Eg…was it a 2% or 4% profit. I am not a technically minded person…so I thought I would point this out as other people may also have trouble working this out. Perhaps before the group bid is opened…there can be a pop up screen clarifying all of these variables in an easy to understand way. And a transaction report on my dash...whether successful or not. Thanks
Problem Type (error_msg, functionality, correctness, no response, unexpected response, other other
Problem Duration (once, sporadic, repeated, always): First time
Brief Description (expand as needed, be to the point): As above.
ReporterName: Diana Malone (suzie Q) Date/Time: 18/04/18
My Device Type (Desktop, Laptop, Netbook, Pad, Pod, SmartPhone, Other): laptop
My OS (Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, ChromeOS, Other): mac
My Browser (Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Chrome, FireFox, Opera, Other): chrome
My Browser Version: