[ ] Complete Welcome webinar (link will be provided)
*Note that this will be hosted everyone Monday. Please move on to the next steps if this does not occur on the first day of receiving tasks.
Day 1:
[ ] Send Greeting into #form-duos
Follow the following format:
Insert Introduction
Based from: insert city
Topics of interest: insert topics here
[ ] Form duo team
You MUST tag the onboarding lead (@Minh-Tu Nguyen) and respond to your own message within #form-duos with the label "New duo: insert name and insert name"
[ ] Complete Duo Form
[ ] Schedule Team Meeting with Manager. The meeting must be within the next 2 days.
Day 2-3:
[ ] Meeting with Manager:
Breakdown of the Week (expectations)
Bit Project Introduction
Introduction to the team
How your workshop fits into the bigger picture
Discuss / Confirm Choice Topic & 3 or 5 week process
DevRel Curriculum Contributor Onboarding Checklist
Onboarding Lead Name: @minhtumn
Manager Name: @atuljayaram
Contributor Name: Joseph Olivas
Onboarding Lead Tasks:
Contributor Tasks:
Day 0:
Day 1:
Day 2-3:
-[ ] Move on to Week 1 Procedures