bitrise-io / codesigndoc

Your friendly iOS Code Signing Doctor
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Codesigndoc is not working with Xcode 12 on Big Sur #125

Open colinmasters opened 3 years ago

colinmasters commented 3 years ago

I can archive an IPA from xcode but I cannot use codesigndoc; see below output and log

$redacted@redacted  ~/Developer/$redacted/MyProject   develop.onboardingUtility  bash -l -c "$(curl -sfL" => Creating a temporary directory for codesigndoc ... => Downloading version: 2.4.1 => Downloading codesigndoc from ( to (/var/folders/5j/_08d12096fgflr8kstn__4wc0000gp/T/codesigndocXXXXXX.gjg9ezao/codesigndoc) ... ################################################################################################################################ 100.0%################################################################################################################################ 100.0% => Making it executable ... => codesigndoc version: 2.4.1 => Running codesigndoc scan ...

Scan the directory for project files You can specify the Xcode project/workscape file to scan with the --file flag. Found one project file: MyProject.xcworkspace.

🔦 Scanning Schemes ... $ xcodebuild "-workspace" "/Users/$redacted/Developer/$redacted/MyProject/MyProject.xcworkspace" "-list"

Select the Scheme you usually use in Xcode Please select from the list: [1] : MyProject (iOS) (type in the option's number, then hit Enter) [1] : 1

Xcode (xcodebuild) version: Xcode 12.0 (Build version 12A8179i)

🔦 Running an Xcode Archive, to get all the required code signing settings... $ xcodebuild "-workspace" "/Users/$redacted/Developer/$redacted/MyProject/MyProject.xcworkspace" "-scheme" "MyProject (iOS)" "clean" "archive" "-archivePath" "/var/folders/5j/_08d12096fgflr8kstn4wc0000gp/T/codesigndoc__171356461/MyProject (iOS).xcarchive" ...........

Last lines of the build log:


The following build commands failed: CompileSwift normal x86_64 CompileSwift normal arm64 CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64 CompileSwift normal x86_64 CompileSwift normal arm64 CompileSwift normal x86_64 CompileSwift normal arm64 CompileSwift normal x86_64 CompileSwift normal arm64 (9 failures) Please check the build log to see what caused the error.

Xcode Archive failed. Open the project: /Users/$redacted/Developer/$redacted/MyProject/MyProject.xcworkspace and make sure that you can build an Archive, with the scheme: MyProject (iOS)

💡 Saving xcodebuild output into file: /Users/$redacted/Developer/$redacted/MyProject/codesigndoc_exports/xcodebuild-output.log

First of all please make sure that you can Archive your app from Xcode. codesigndoc only works if you can archive your app from Xcode. If you can, and you get a valid .ipa/.app file if you export from Xcode, please create an issue on GitHub at: with as many details & logs as you can share!

Error: failed to run xcodebuild command, error: exit status 65 xcodebuild-output.log

bitce commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report @colinmasters, we're looking into the possible changes and if and what we need to modify to make sure the tool runs smoothly on Xcode 12 and Big Sur too.

colinmasters commented 3 years ago

I think I can offer some additional insight into the issue, without having really found a solution;

We are building a Universal app for iOS and macOS so some targets could theoretically compile for both platforms, however xcodebuild appears to be archiving for both platforms while in the scheme menu you can choose between "Any iOS" or "Any macOS"

colinmasters commented 3 years ago

iOS 14 has now been released and this toolchain still does not work for us to use Bitrise...

chaitanyatanna-bitrise commented 3 years ago

Hi @colinmasters This issue should be resolved now. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thanks Chaitanya

colinmasters commented 3 years ago

This still does not work

eimermusic commented 3 years ago

Needed to update my code sign files and found that I also have this issue.

isseium commented 3 years ago

I have a similar issue with xcode 12.1 on MacOS Catalina (10.15.7).

But It worked fine when after add following value.



@@ -3780,8 +3780,8 @@
                                EXCLUDED_ARCHS = "";
+                               "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=*]" = arm64;
                                "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "";
-                               "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]" = arm64;
                                FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = (
@@ -3811,7 +3811,7 @@
                                EXCLUDED_ARCHS = "";
-                               "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]" = arm64;
+                               "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=*]" = arm64;
                                FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = (

After adding value, if you have trouble building on xcode, you may want to restore it to its original value.

aliraza-noon commented 3 years ago

we also been having this issue, I guess it is time to move away from bitrise, they are not interested in helping us

mjones-droid commented 3 years ago

Hey @aliraza-noon! I understand your frustration. There is an open bug report on this issue and it's being worked on. In the interim, I recommend filing a ticket so we can take a look at your specific builds. We may be able to find a workaround for you.

Matthew Senior Customer Engineer

GoktuqCan commented 2 years ago

Is there an update on this?

Roland-Bak commented 2 years ago

Hello @GoktuqCan 👋

Currently our engineers are working on a complete codesigndoc overhaul in increase overall performance, and it will include this as well. This means that fixing this issue will take more time, however, but once it is done, you will have a better experience overall. 🙂

ghadeermohameedelmahdy commented 2 years ago

any updates?

shams-ahmed commented 2 years ago

@colinmasters I've formatted your build logs to make it easier to debug. I think your issue to do with incompatible issues with mac catalyst. See logs

cat xcodebuild-output.log | xcbeautify
Resolve Package Graph
Resolved source packages
swift-log - @ 1.4.0
LoggerAPI - @ 1.9.0
CryptorECC - @ 1.2.5
FavIcon - @ 3.1.0
Alamofire - @ 4.9.1
Cryptor - @ 1.0.32
KituraContracts - @ 1.2.1
SFSafeSymbols - @ 1.2.0
SwiftJWT - @ 3.6.1
DeviceKit - @ 3.2.0
Disk - @ 0.6.4
CryptorRSA - @ 1.0.35
Clean Succeeded
❌ /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/System/SwiftStandardLib/StringExtensions.swift:1063:30: 'NSFont' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
    private typealias Font = NSFont
❌ /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/System/SwiftStandardLib/StringExtensions.swift:1109:30: 'NSColor' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst
    func colored(with color: NSColor) -> NSAttributedString {
⚠️  /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/System/SwiftStandardLib/UIApplicationExtensions.swift:15:93: 'keyWindow' was deprecated in Mac Catalyst 13.0: Should not be used for applications that support multiple scenes as it returns a key window across all connected scenes
    class func topViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController? = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
⚠️  /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/UIKit/UIAlertControllerExtensions.swift:26:30: 'keyWindow' was deprecated in Mac Catalyst 13.0: Should not be used for applications that support multiple scenes as it returns a key window across all connected scenes
        UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.present(self, animated: animated, completion: completion)
⚠️  /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/Utiltities/SwifterSwift.swift:44:37: 'statusBarFrame' was deprecated in Mac Catalyst 13.0: Use the statusBarManager property of the window scene instead.
        return UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.height
⚠️  /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/Utiltities/SwifterSwift.swift:165:41: 'isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible' was deprecated in Mac Catalyst 13.0: Provide a custom network activity UI in your app if desired.
            return UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible
⚠️  /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/Utiltities/SwifterSwift.swift:168:34: 'isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible' was deprecated in Mac Catalyst 13.0: Provide a custom network activity UI in your app if desired.
            UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = newValue
⚠️  /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/Utiltities/SwifterSwift.swift:219:37: 'keyWindow' was deprecated in Mac Catalyst 13.0: Should not be used for applications that support multiple scenes as it returns a key window across all connected scenes
        return UIApplication.shared.keyWindow
⚠️  /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/Utiltities/SwifterSwift.swift:227:41: 'keyWindow' was deprecated in Mac Catalyst 13.0: Should not be used for applications that support multiple scenes as it returns a key window across all connected scenes
            return UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController
⚠️  /Users/$redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-auujafrbaytojjepnnimtznqfkkj/SourcePackages/checkouts/NDSwift/Sources/NDSwift/Utiltities/SwifterSwift.swift:230:34: 'keyWindow' was deprecated in Mac Catalyst 13.0: Should not be used for applications that support multiple scenes as it returns a key window across all connected scenes
            UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController = newValue
[Locksmith] Processing Locksmith-Info.plist
[Locksmith] Copying Locksmith-umbrella.h
[Locksmith] Copying Locksmith.h
shamsahmed@shamsahmed-mbp Downloads % 
shams-ahmed commented 2 years ago

@eimermusic @aliraza-noon @GoktuqCan @ghadeermohameedelmahdy It's difficult to debug this issue without the full xcodebuild logs. Would you be able to create a new Github issue with your build logs or send customer support a message so we can investigate?